Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Red Dairy Cattle conformation traits (August 2007)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, GBR=United Kingdom, NOR=Norway, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States

No. No.

stature 183 514 212 3821 178 969 379 127 6383 6168
chest width 183 514 212 3133 178 2527 376 127 7250 7032
body depth 156 514 212 3122 178 0 376 119 4677 4487
angularity 183 513 212 3120 178 0 0 127 4333 4181
rump angle 183 514 212 3136 178 2527 376 127 7253 7035
rump width 183 514 212 3122 178 0 376 127 4712 4521
rear leg set 183 514 212 3829 178 2527 379 127 7949 7726
rear leg rear view 20 505 159 3133 0 2527 0 0 6344 6270
foot angle 156 513 212 3829 178 2527 0 127 7542 7361
fore udder 183 514 212 3826 178 2527 379 127 7946 7723
rear udder height 183 514 211 3155 178 2527 379 127 7274 7053
udder support 183 514 212 3824 178 2527 379 127 7944 7721
udder depth 156 478 212 3826 177 2527 0 126 7502 7323
front teat placement 183 514 212 3136 178 2527 376 127 7253 7035
teat length 156 513 212 3810 178 1450 0 119 6438 6263
rear teat placement 4 506 116 1958 0 849 373 0 3806 3720
overall conformation 183 514 212 3167 128 2527 376 127 7234 7020
overall udder 183 479 212 3827 128 2527 379 126 7861 7645
overall feet & legs 156 513 159 3827 128 2527 0 127 7437 7262