Any data derived from any Interbull Centre databases must be appropriately cited and acknowledged.
Below is information on how to correctly cite/acknowledge different Interbull Centre databases/platforms in your work.
To cite PREPdb in your publication, please use:
Interbull Centre. 2025. PREPdb - Performance Recording, Evaluation and Publication database [Online]. Interbull Centre- Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Available: [Accessed date YYYY/MM/DD ].
To cite GenoEx in your publication, please use:
Interbull Centre. 2025. GenoEx - International Genotype Exchange platform for Animal Breeding [Online]. Interbull Centre- Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Available: [Accessed date YYYY/MM/DD ].
You can also download the RIS format to import in the reference manager as follows:
To Acknowledge Interbull Centre databases:
Any publication utilizing data from any Interbull centre databases must include the following statement in the acknowledgment section as follows:
- "This [study/report/dataset/etc.] was made possible through data sourced from Interbull Centre [Name of the Database]."