Table 2. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull Routine Evaluation
for Calving Ease(CE) and Stillbirth(SB) traits for Holstein August 2009.
Country Direct CE Maternal CE Direct SB Maternal SB

Australia* 629 - 510 -
Canada 8030 4152 6809 3901
Switzerland* 673 553 685 556
Den+Fin+Swe 4690 8561 6017 9354
France 7397 6354 5671 4807
Israel 227 848 227 847
Italy 7504 4849 7515 4844
The Netherlands 10379 4573 9240 10092
United States 24302 11147 16643 4695

Across Country 63831 41037 53317 39096
* Countries with calving ease as best available predictor for stillbirth.