Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull routine evaluation for conformation traits (April 2010)
No. No.

stature 125 1874 206 1282 70 564 2162 6283 5197
chest width 125 1080 205 1275 52 564 1877 5178 4222
body depth 94 1856 191 1261 45 0 2147 5594 4851
angularity 123 1816 181 0 35 560 0 2715 2374
rump angle 125 1874 206 1282 70 564 2162 6283 5197
rump width 123 1834 197 0 63 560 2149 4926 4238
rear leg set 125 1874 206 1282 70 564 2162 6283 5197
foot angle 125 1874 206 1282 49 564 2162 6262 5187
heel depth 94 1856 191 1150 44 0 2147 5482 4742
fore udder 125 1865 200 1247 50 564 475 4526 3764
rear udder height 125 1874 206 1282 52 564 2162 6265 5188
rear udder width 125 1874 206 1282 52 564 2162 6265 5188
udder support 125 1874 206 1282 70 564 2162 6283 5197
udder depth 121 1874 206 1282 70 564 2162 6279 5194
front teat placement 123 1833 197 0 63 560 1655 4431 3791
teat length 125 1874 206 1282 70 556 2162 6275 5189
rear teat placement 87 1844 180 1108 38 0 471 3728 3269
overall conformation 125 1073 200 1247 69 564 475 3753 3046
overall udder 122 1080 206 1281 70 564 2127 5450 4444
overall feet & legs 125 1080 206 1170 70 564 2127 5342 4338
locomotion 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 15
body condition score 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 18 18