Table 3. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Holstein conformation traits (April 2008)

AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), CZE=Czech Rep., DEU=Germany, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, ESP=Spain, EST=Estonia, FRA=France, FRR=France (Red Holstein), GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy, JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands (+ Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

No. No.
stature 2569 610 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8222 1525 158 10978 160 4157 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 471 103809 91637
chest width 2569 561 6383 751 1031 1916 15341 8008 1525 158 6196 108 4147 1460 5692 3024 7612 3596 4241 21370 314 96003 84498
body depth 2318 609 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8010 1525 158 10978 160 4149 1460 5693 3024 7618 3596 4245 21370 471 101114 89073
angularity 2564 534 6383 748 0 1916 15381 8008 1524 158 6196 160 4128 1460 5692 3024 7346 0 4241 21370 470 91303 80715
rump angle 2569 610 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8011 1525 158 10978 160 4157 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 471 103598 91427
rump width 2569 487 6383 751 1031 1916 15643 8011 1525 158 10978 160 4156 1460 5696 1087 9640 3596 4246 21371 471 101335 89309
rear leg set 2569 610 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8221 1525 158 10978 160 4157 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 471 103808 91638
rear leg rear view 1137 430 4627 747 1029 0 12267 7986 1451 157 3526 108 3198 1443 5232 2341 6151 0 2761 21364 312 76267 67777
foot angle 2313 487 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8220 1525 158 10030 160 4127 1460 5690 3024 7169 0 4244 21370 471 96178 84861
fore udder 2569 563 6383 751 1031 1916 15413 8191 1525 158 8282 160 4149 1460 5692 3024 7618 3596 4243 21370 470 98564 86658
rear udder height 2569 564 6383 751 1031 1916 15647 5052 1525 158 10030 160 4080 1460 5693 3024 7618 3596 4244 21370 471 97342 85425
udder support 2569 565 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 8192 1525 158 10978 160 4157 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 471 103734 91605
udder depth 2313 602 6383 751 941 1916 15649 8192 1525 158 10978 160 4138 1460 5696 3024 9836 0 4246 21371 471 99810 88252
front teat placement 2569 565 6383 751 1031 1916 15649 7982 1525 158 10978 160 4157 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 471 103524 91396
teat length 2311 610 6383 751 1031 1916 15643 8189 1525 158 10978 160 4138 1191 5696 2877 9836 0 4246 21371 471 99481 87936
rear teat placement 866 524 6359 741 0 0 10724 4220 1444 154 10947 106 2048 0 4081 1087 5055 3524 0 7671 0 59551 53211
overall conformation 2569 607 6383 751 941 1916 15648 8072 1525 158 6245 0 4155 1460 5696 3024 9835 3596 4242 21280 0 98103 86760
overall udder 2569 610 6383 751 941 1916 15649 8222 1525 158 10978 160 3768 1460 5696 3024 9836 3596 4246 21371 0 102859 91014
overall feet & legs 2307 558 6383 751 941 1916 12278 8215 1522 157 6196 0 3747 1186 5253 2752 9832 0 4232 19652 0 87878 77423
locomotion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
body condition score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0