Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Holstein conformation traits (May 2006)

AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), CZE=Czech Rep., DEU=Germany, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, ESP=Spain, EST=Estonia, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy, JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands (+ Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.

stature 2360 528 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7335 1234 132 9597 3739 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3403 19086 403 90519 80759
chest width 2360 478 5634 654 863 1258 13369 7120 1234 132 4811 3729 1239 5076 2689 6354 3037 3398 19085 245 82765 73646
body depth 2109 527 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7122 1234 132 9597 3731 1239 5077 2689 6357 3037 3402 19085 403 87827 78196
angularity 2357 451 5634 652 0 1258 13408 7119 1233 132 4810 3717 1239 5075 2689 6100 0 3398 19084 402 78758 70452
rump angle 2360 528 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7123 1234 132 9597 3739 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3403 19086 403 90307 80548
rump width 2360 403 5634 654 863 1258 13671 7123 1234 132 9597 3738 1239 5080 2689 8374 3037 3403 19086 403 89978 80309
rear leg set 2360 528 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7335 1234 132 9597 3739 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3403 19086 403 90519 80760
rear leg rear view 929 346 3877 649 861 0 10294 7100 1157 131 2085 2783 1222 4342 2006 4973 0 2010 19061 243 64069 57562
foot angle 2106 403 5634 654 863 1258 13676 7108 1234 132 8648 3716 1239 5073 2689 5914 0 3401 19084 403 83235 74278
fore udder 2360 480 5634 654 863 1258 13441 7313 1234 132 6900 3731 1239 5076 2689 6357 3037 3400 19085 402 85285 75784
rear udder height 2360 481 5634 654 863 1258 13675 4179 1234 132 8649 3662 1239 5077 2689 6357 3037 3401 19085 403 84069 74552
udder support 2360 482 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7314 1234 132 9597 3739 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3403 19086 403 90452 80726
udder depth 2106 520 5634 654 773 1258 13676 7313 1234 132 9596 3727 1239 5079 2689 8570 0 3403 19085 403 87091 77889
front teat placement 2360 482 5634 654 863 1258 13677 7102 1234 132 9597 0 1239 5076 2689 8571 3037 3403 19083 403 86494 77841
teat length 2106 528 5634 654 863 1258 13670 7310 1234 132 9596 3727 971 5079 2542 8570 0 3403 19085 403 86765 77576
rear teat placement 652 440 5608 645 0 0 8749 3337 1155 128 9563 0 0 3178 0 3924 2964 0 5300 0 45643 41570
overall conformation 2360 525 5634 654 773 1258 13676 7133 1234 132 4860 3737 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3399 19002 0 84993 75923
overall udder 2360 528 5634 654 773 1258 13677 7335 1234 132 9597 3352 1239 5080 2689 8571 3037 3403 19086 0 89639 80160
overall feet & legs 2106 475 5634 654 773 1258 10305 7329 1231 131 4810 3338 966 4362 2417 8570 0 3391 17366 0 75116 66889