Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Holstein conformation traits (August 2006)

AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), CZE=Czech Rep., DEU=Germany, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, ESP=Spain, EST=Estonia, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy, JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands (+ Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

No. No.

stature 2371 544 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7499 1324 139 10104 3788 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3403 19388 403 92406 82370
chest width 2371 494 5743 661 893 1306 13626 7285 1324 139 5319 3778 1271 5186 2728 6461 3037 3398 19387 245 84652 75255
body depth 2120 543 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7287 1324 139 10104 3780 1271 5187 2728 6466 3037 3402 19387 403 89715 79808
angularity 2368 467 5743 659 0 1306 13665 7284 1323 139 5318 3766 1271 5185 2728 6210 0 3398 19386 402 80618 72048
rump angle 2371 544 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7288 1324 139 10104 3788 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3403 19388 403 92195 82160
rump width 2371 419 5743 661 893 1306 13928 7288 1324 139 10104 3787 1271 5190 2728 8484 3037 3403 19388 403 91867 81922
rear leg set 2371 544 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7498 1324 139 10104 3788 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3403 19388 403 92405 82371
rear leg rear view 940 363 3986 656 891 0 10551 7263 1247 138 2620 2832 1254 4453 2045 5082 0 2010 19363 243 65937 59181
foot angle 2117 419 5743 661 893 1306 13933 7272 1324 139 9155 3765 1271 5183 2728 6022 0 3401 19386 403 85121 75889
fore udder 2371 496 5743 661 893 1306 13698 7476 1324 139 7407 3780 1271 5186 2728 6466 3037 3400 19387 402 87171 77395
rear udder height 2371 497 5743 661 893 1306 13932 4339 1324 139 9156 3711 1271 5187 2728 6466 3037 3401 19387 403 85952 76161
udder support 2371 498 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7477 1324 139 10104 3788 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3403 19388 403 92338 82337
udder depth 2117 536 5743 661 803 1306 13933 7476 1324 139 10103 3776 1271 5189 2728 8679 0 3403 19387 403 88977 79500
front teat placement 2371 498 5743 661 893 1306 13934 7264 1324 139 10104 0 1271 5186 2728 8680 3037 3403 19383 403 88328 79436
teat length 2117 544 5743 661 893 1306 13927 7473 1324 139 10103 3776 1003 5189 2581 8679 0 3403 19387 403 88651 79187
rear teat placement 662 457 5717 652 0 0 9010 3497 1244 135 10070 0 0 3290 0 4032 2965 0 5618 0 47349 43096
overall conformation 2371 541 5743 661 803 1306 13933 7301 1324 139 5368 3786 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3399 19301 0 86882 77535
overall udder 2371 544 5743 661 803 1306 13934 7499 1324 139 10104 3400 1271 5190 2728 8680 3037 3403 19388 0 91525 81770
overall feet & legs 2117 491 5743 661 803 1306 10562 7492 1321 138 5318 3386 998 4473 2456 8679 0 3391 17668 0 77003 68499