Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (April 2009)

No. No.

stature 538 342 1380 270 63 29 2517 2318 373 7830 6955
chest width 538 342 1383 270 63 27 2517 2318 269 7727 6873
body depth 406 302 1360 246 47 17 2479 0 200 5057 4690
angularity 524 342 1378 262 63 26 0 2308 363 5266 4583
rump angle 538 342 1383 270 63 29 2517 2318 373 7833 6958
rump width 538 342 1383 270 63 28 2517 2318 373 7832 6957
rear leg set 538 342 1383 270 63 29 2517 2318 373 7833 6958
rear leg rear view 137 295 1350 0 42 12 0 0 89 1925 1816
foot angle 435 342 1378 262 63 26 0 2308 363 5177 4495
fore udder 538 342 1383 270 63 27 2517 2318 373 7831 6956
rear udder height 538 342 702 266 60 27 2514 2316 369 7134 6291
udder support 538 342 1383 270 63 29 2517 2318 373 7833 6958
udder depth 435 332 1378 262 63 28 0 2308 363 5169 4489
front teat placement 538 342 1383 270 63 29 2517 2318 373 7833 6958
teat length 435 342 1378 262 63 28 0 2297 259 5064 4403
rear teat placement 127 298 688 0 0 15 2474 0 156 3758 3596
overall conformation 538 342 1380 215 63 29 2517 2318 0 7402 6732
overall udder 538 332 1380 172 0 29 2517 2318 0 7286 6644
overall feet & legs 435 342 1375 165 63 28 0 2308 0 4716 4197
locomotion 0 291 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 299 297
body condition score 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7