Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (August 2009)
No. No.

stature 540 350 1397 273 67 29 2517 2359 373 7905 7017
chest width 540 350 1400 273 67 27 2517 2359 269 7802 6935
body depth 409 311 1378 249 51 17 2480 0 201 5096 4719
angularity 526 350 1395 265 67 26 0 2349 363 5341 4645
rump angle 540 350 1400 273 67 29 2517 2359 373 7908 7020
rump width 540 350 1400 273 67 28 2517 2359 373 7907 7019
rear leg set 540 350 1400 273 67 29 2517 2359 373 7908 7020
rear leg rear view 140 305 1368 0 46 12 0 0 89 1960 1846
foot angle 436 350 1395 265 67 26 0 2349 363 5251 4557
fore udder 540 350 1400 273 67 27 2517 2359 373 7906 7018
rear udder height 540 350 719 269 64 27 2514 2357 369 7209 6353
udder support 540 350 1400 273 67 29 2517 2359 373 7908 7020
udder depth 436 340 1395 265 67 28 0 2349 363 5243 4551
front teat placement 540 350 1400 273 67 29 2517 2359 373 7908 7020
teat length 436 350 1395 265 67 28 0 2338 259 5138 4465
rear teat placement 129 307 705 0 0 15 2475 0 157 3788 3622
overall conformation 540 350 1397 215 67 29 2517 2359 0 7474 6794
overall udder 540 340 1397 175 0 29 2517 2359 0 7357 6703
overall feet & legs 436 350 1392 168 67 28 0 2349 0 4790 4259
locomotion 0 301 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 309 307
body condition score 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 7