Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (February 2005)
AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, ITA=Italy,
NLD=Netherlands, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.

stature 424 262 1205 105 35 10 1753 1752 230 5776 5225
chest width 424 262 1205 105 35 8 1753 1752 130 5674 5140
body depth 312 240 1190 93 30 7 1727 0 101 3700 3446
angularity 415 262 1201 102 35 8 0 1746 227 3996 3591
rump angle 424 262 1205 105 35 10 1753 1752 230 5776 5225
rump width 424 262 1205 105 35 9 1753 1752 230 5775 5224
rear leg set 424 262 1205 105 35 10 1753 1752 230 5776 5225
rear leg rear view 41 0 1178 0 18 5 0 0 0 1242 1226
foot angle 326 262 1201 102 35 8 0 1746 227 3907 3503
fore udder 424 262 1205 105 35 8 1753 1752 230 5774 5223
rear udder height 424 262 446 101 31 8 1749 1752 228 5001 4488
udder support 424 262 1205 105 35 10 1753 1752 230 5776 5225
udder depth 326 253 1201 102 35 10 0 1746 227 3900 3498
front teat placement 424 262 1205 105 35 10 1753 1752 230 5776 5225
teat length 319 0 1199 88 30 10 0 1721 124 3491 3236
rear teat placement 11 236 439 0 0 6 0 0 0 692 688
overall conformation 424 262 1205 98 35 10 1753 1752 0 5539 5077
overall udder 402 231 1190 84 0 9 1727 0 0 3643 3456
overall feet & legs 297 234 1182 78 28 9 0 0 0 1828 1717