Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (August 2005)
AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, ITA=Italy,  
NLD=Netherlands, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.

stature 444 265 1234 107 36 10 1813 1803 240 5952 5372
chest width 444 265 1234 107 36 8 1813 1803 140 5850 5290
body depth 332 243 1219 94 30 7 1787 0 109 3821 3557
angularity 434 265 1230 104 36 8 0 1797 238 4112 3683
rump angle 444 265 1234 107 36 10 1813 1803 240 5952 5372
rump width 444 265 1234 107 36 9 1813 1803 240 5951 5371
rear leg set 444 265 1234 107 36 10 1813 1803 240 5952 5372
rear leg rear view 43 0 1207 0 18 5 0 0 0 1273 1257
foot angle 345 265 1230 104 36 8 0 1797 238 4023 3595
fore udder 444 265 1234 107 36 8 1813 1803 240 5950 5370
rear udder height 444 265 474 103 32 8 1809 1803 237 5175 4638
udder support 444 265 1234 107 36 10 1813 1803 240 5952 5372
udder depth 345 256 1230 104 36 10 0 1797 238 4016 3590
front teat placement 444 265 1234 107 36 10 1813 1803 240 5952 5372
teat length 338 0 1228 91 31 10 0 1771 134 3603 3330
rear teat placement 11 239 467 0 0 6 0 0 0 723 719
overall conformation 444 265 1234 103 36 10 1813 1803 0 5708 5226
overall udder 422 234 1219 88 0 9 1787 0 0 3759 3564
overall feet & legs 316 237 1211 81 28 9 0 0 0 1882 1769