Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull test evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (September 2005)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, ITA=Italy, NLD=Netherlands, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

No. No.

stature 444 269 1243 116 37 10 1967 1833 273 6192 5580
chest width 444 269 1243 116 37 8 1967 1833 174 6091 5498
body depth 332 247 1228 101 31 7 1941 0 135 4022 3737
angularity 434 269 1239 110 37 8 0 1827 269 4193 3738
rump angle 444 269 1243 116 37 10 1967 1833 273 6192 5580
rump width 444 269 1243 116 37 9 1967 1833 273 6191 5579
rear leg set 444 269 1243 116 37 10 1967 1833 273 6192 5580
rear leg rear view 43 0 1216 0 18 5 0 0 17 1299 1274
foot angle 345 269 1239 110 37 8 0 1827 269 4104 3650
fore udder 444 269 1243 116 37 8 1967 1833 273 6190 5578
rear udder height 444 269 485 110 33 8 1963 1833 267 5412 4847
udder support 444 269 1243 116 37 10 1967 1833 273 6192 5580
udder depth 345 260 1239 110 37 10 0 1827 269 4097 3645
front teat placement 444 269 1243 116 37 10 1967 1833 273 6192 5580
teat length 338 0 1237 96 32 10 0 1801 165 3679 3384
rear teat placement 11 243 478 0 0 6 0 0 90 828 796
overall conformation 444 269 1243 107 37 10 1967 1833 0 5910 5420
overall udder 444 260 1243 110 0 10 1967 1833 0 5867 5405
overall feet & legs 345 269 1239 104 37 10 0 1827 0 3831 3487