Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (May 2006)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, ITA=Italy, NLD=Netherlands,
NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

No. No.

stature 458 275 1283 119 41 11 1988 1935 288 6398 5737
chest width 458 275 1283 119 41 9 1988 1935 189 6297 5655
body depth 344 255 1269 104 35 8 1961 0 146 4122 3820
angularity 448 275 1279 113 41 9 0 1929 283 4377 3878
rump angle 458 275 1283 119 41 11 1988 1935 288 6398 5737
rump width 458 275 1283 119 41 10 1988 1935 288 6397 5736
rear leg set 458 275 1283 119 41 11 1988 1935 288 6398 5737
rear leg rear view 63 243 1259 0 29 6 0 0 35 1635 1574
foot angle 359 275 1279 113 41 9 0 1929 283 4288 3790
fore udder 458 275 1283 119 41 9 1988 1935 288 6396 5735
rear udder height 458 275 524 114 37 9 1984 1932 282 5615 5003
udder support 458 275 1283 119 41 11 1988 1935 288 6398 5737
udder depth 359 267 1279 113 41 11 0 1929 283 4282 3786
front teat placement 458 275 1283 119 41 11 1988 1935 288 6398 5737
teat length 359 275 1279 113 41 11 0 1917 184 4179 3700
rear teat placement 13 251 517 0 0 7 0 0 102 890 850
overall conformation 458 275 1283 106 41 11 1988 1935 0 6097 5571
overall udder 458 267 1283 113 0 11 1988 1935 0 6055 5556
overall feet & legs 359 275 1279 107 41 11 0 1929 0 4001 3622