Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (August 2006)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, ITA=Italy, NLD=Netherlands, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

No. No.

stature 458 280 1303 123 41 12 1988 1949 288 6442 5772
chest width 458 280 1303 123 41 10 1988 1949 189 6341 5690
body depth 344 256 1288 108 35 8 1961 0 146 4146 3841
angularity 448 280 1299 116 41 10 0 1943 283 4420 3913
rump angle 458 280 1303 123 41 12 1988 1949 288 6442 5772
rump width 458 280 1303 123 41 11 1988 1949 288 6441 5771
rear leg set 458 280 1303 123 41 12 1988 1949 288 6442 5772
rear leg rear view 63 244 1278 0 29 6 0 0 35 1655 1594
foot angle 359 280 1299 116 41 10 0 1943 283 4331 3825
fore udder 458 280 1303 123 41 10 1988 1949 288 6440 5770
rear udder height 458 280 544 118 37 10 1984 1946 282 5659 5039
udder support 458 280 1303 123 41 12 1988 1949 288 6442 5772
udder depth 359 272 1299 116 41 12 0 1943 283 4325 3821
front teat placement 458 280 1303 123 41 12 1988 1949 288 6442 5772
teat length 359 280 1299 116 41 12 0 1932 184 4223 3736
rear teat placement 13 252 537 0 0 7 0 0 102 911 871
overall conformation 458 280 1303 107 41 12 1988 1949 0 6138 5605
overall udder 458 272 1303 116 0 12 1988 1949 0 6098 5591
overall feet & legs 359 280 1299 110 41 12 0 1943 0 4044 3657