Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Red Dairy Cattle conformation traits (May 2007)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, GBR=United Kingdom, NOR=Norway, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States

No. No.

stature 183 507 211 3763 178 953 379 125 6299 6085
chest width 183 507 211 3074 178 2509 376 125 7163 6946
body depth 156 507 211 3063 178 0 376 118 4609 4420
angularity 183 506 211 3062 178 0 0 125 4265 4114
rump angle 183 507 211 3077 178 2509 376 125 7166 6949
rump width 183 507 211 3063 178 0 376 125 4643 4453
rear leg set 183 507 211 3771 178 2509 379 125 7863 7641
rear leg rear view 20 498 158 3074 0 2509 0 0 6259 6186
foot angle 156 506 211 3771 178 2509 0 125 7456 7276
fore udder 183 507 211 3768 178 2509 379 125 7860 7638
rear udder height 183 507 210 3097 178 2509 379 125 7188 6968
udder support 183 507 211 3766 178 2509 379 125 7858 7636
udder depth 156 471 211 3768 177 2509 0 124 7416 7238
front teat placement 183 507 211 3077 178 2509 376 125 7166 6949
teat length 156 506 211 3752 178 1432 0 118 6353 6179
rear teat placement 4 499 115 1899 0 831 373 0 3721 3637
overall conformation 183 507 211 3108 128 2509 376 125 7147 6934
overall udder 183 472 211 3769 128 2509 379 124 7775 7560
overall feet & legs 156 506 158 3769 128 2509 0 125 7351 7177