Table 5. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Red Dairy Cattle conformation traits (August 2008)

AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden, GBR=United Kingdom, NOR=Norway, NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States
No. No.

stature 197 544 223 4073 186 1093 402 137 6855 6618
chest width 197 544 223 3384 186 2647 399 137 7717 7477
body depth 170 544 223 3372 186 0 399 129 5023 4815
angularity 197 543 223 3370 186 0 0 137 4656 4490
rump angle 197 544 223 3387 186 2647 399 137 7720 7480
rump width 197 544 223 3372 186 0 399 137 5058 4849
rear leg set 197 544 223 4080 186 2647 402 137 8416 8171
rear leg rear view 35 532 170 3383 0 2647 0 0 6767 6682
foot angle 170 543 223 3346 186 2647 0 137 7252 7055
fore udder 197 544 223 4077 186 2647 402 137 8413 8168
rear udder height 197 544 222 3406 186 2647 402 137 7741 7498
udder support 197 544 223 4075 186 2647 402 137 8411 8166
udder depth 170 503 223 4077 186 2647 0 136 7942 7744
front teat placement 197 544 223 3387 186 2647 399 137 7720 7480
teat length 170 543 223 4062 186 1570 0 129 6883 6690
rear teat placement 28 533 127 2209 0 969 395 0 4261 4161
overall conformation 197 544 223 3420 137 2647 399 137 7704 7467
overall udder 197 504 223 4078 137 2647 402 136 8324 8085
overall feet & legs 170 543 170 4078 137 2647 0 137 7882 7688
locomotion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
body condition score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0