Table 6. Trait definitions and heritabilities used in national evaluations for Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, and Jersey conformation as provided by participating countries (parameters and trait definitions are identical for Holstein, Jersey and Red Dairy Cattle in Australia and New Zealand, and for Holstein and Red Dairy Cattle in Denmark+Sweden+Finland)

AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), DEA/DEU=Germany+Austria, DFS=Denmark+Finland+Sweden, ESP=Spain, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy, JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands (+ Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa

Trait: Stature
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.50 Height at withers
CHE 0.42 Height at withers
DEA 0.47 Height at sacrum
FRA 0.63 Height at sacrum
ITA 0.24 Height at withers
NLD 0.57 Height at top of spine in between hips
USA 0.43 Stature

Trait: Chest width
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.21 Chest width
CHE 0.25 Chest width
DEA 0.23 Circumference of chest
FRA 0.40 Chest depth
ITA 0.17 Front, width and depth of chest
NLD 0.30 Width from inside surface between top of front legs
USA 0.20 Strength

Trait: Body depth
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.32 Body depth
CHE 0.32 Body depth
DEA 0.26 Body depth
FRA 0.39 Max distance between top and bottom lines
ITA 0.18 Depth of last rib, deepest point of body
NLD 0.32 Distance between top of spine and bottom of barrel of last rib
USA - -

Trait: Angularity
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.26 Dairy strength
CHE 0.28 Muscling
DEA - -
FRA 0.48 Dairy character
ITA 0.18 Degree of angularity
NLD 0.26 Angle and openness of ribs, flatness of bone avoiding coarseness
USA 0.18 Dairy form

Trait: Rump angle
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.32 Rump angle
CHE 0.29 Rump angle
DEA 0.29 Angle of rump from hips to pin (side view)
FRA 0.33 Hip to pins
ITA 0.21 Angle of rump from hips to pin (side view)
NLD 0.39 Angle from top of pin to top of hip bone
USA 0.27 Rump angle

Trait: Rump width
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.26 Width at pins
CHE 0.32 Rump width
DEA 0.28 Distance between pin bones
FRA 0.39 Width at hips
ITA - -
NLD 0.39 Distance between two most posterior points of pin bones
USA 0.18 Thurl width

Trait: Rear leg side view
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.16 Rear leg side view
CHE 0.21 Hock angle
DEA 0.22 Angle of hock in the rear leg
FRA 0.18 Rear leg side view
ITA 0.11 Angle of hock in
NLD 0.24 Angle measured at the front of the hock
USA 0.18 Rear leg

Trait: Pasterns/Foot angle
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.07 Foot angle
CHE 0.13 Pasterns
DEA 0.18 Foot angle
FRA 0.12 Foot angle
ITA 0.09 Pasterns
NLD 0.20 Foot angle (angle at the front of the rear hoof measured from the floor to the hairline)
USA 0.13 Foot angle

Trait: Heel depth
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.08 Hoof height
CHE 0.10 Hoof height
DEA 0.08 Height of hoof
FRA 0.14 Shallow to deep
ITA 0.07 Height of hoof
NLD 0.20 Foot angle (angle at the front of the rear hoof measured from the floor to the hairline)
USA - -

Trait: Fore udder
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.23 Attachment
CHE 0.22 Fore udder length
DEA 0.21 Fore udder length
FRA 0.31 Length: short to long
ITA 0.14 Length of attachment between body and fore
NLD 0.30 Strength of fore udder attachment to abdominal wall
USA 0.22 Fore udder attachment

Trait: Rear udder height
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.20 Rear udder height
CHE 0.21 Rear udder height
DEA 0.18 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
FRA 0.26 Distance between vulva and top of secreting tissue
ITA 0.17 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
NLD 0.28 Distance between pin bones and milk secreting tissue
USA 0.22 Rear udder height

Trait: Rear udder width
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.19 Rear udder width
CHE 0.20 Rear udder width
DEA 0.20 Rear udder width
FRA 0.37 Rear udder attachment width
ITA 0.16 Distance between the crease between the udder and the legs comparing the crease on the other side
NLD 0.28 Rear udder height
USA 0.19 Read udder width

Trait: Udder support
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.18 Median Suspensory
CHE 0.26 Suspensory ligament
DEA 0.22 Depth of median cleft
FRA 0.32 Cleft between teats and above
ITA 0.13 Depth of median cleft
NLD 0.28 Depth of cleft measured at base of udder
USA 0.22 Udder cleft

Trait: Udder depth
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.31 Udder depth
CHE 0.23 Udder depth
DEA 0.37 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
FRA 0.43 Distance between hocks and the bottom point of udder
ITA 0.20 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
NLD 0.40 Distance from lowest udder floor to hock
USA 0.34 Udder depth

Trait: Teat placement
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.20 Fore
CHE 0.34 Front
DEA 0.35 Placement of front teats
FRA 0.41 Distance between fore teats
ITA - -
NLD 0.42 The position of the centre of the front teat at the point of the udder - front view
USA 0.27 Teat placement

Trait: Teat length
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.29 Teat length
CHE 0.37 Teat length
DEA 0.48 Length of rear teats
FRA 0.44 Short to long
ITA 0.30 Length of teat
NLD 0.43 Length of front teat
USA 0.34 Teat length

Trait: Rear teat placement
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.26 Rear teat placement
CHE 0.32 Rear teat placement
DEA 0.31 Placement of rear teats
FRA 0.37 Rear teat placement
ITA 0.14 Rear teat placement
NLD 0.39 Position of the center of the rear teat in relation to the base of the udder
USA - -

Trait: Overall conformation
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.23 Overall conformation
CHE 0.26 Overall conformation score
DEA - -
FRA 0.41 Overall conformation (composite)
ITA 0.25 Overall conformation score
NLD 0.30 Overall conformation score (composite)
USA 0.29 Final score

Trait: Overall udder
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.21 Overall udder
CHE 0.29 Overall udder score
DEA 0.34 Overall udder score
FRA 0.40 Overall udder score
ITA 0.21 Udder score
NLD 0.34 Qualification of the total udder, with emphasis on teat placement, suspensory ligament and udder depth
USA 0.29 -

Trait: Overall feet & leg score
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.17 Overall feet & leg score
CHE 0.17 Overall feet & leg score
DEA 0.16 Overall feet & leg score, incl runp angle, top line
FRA 0.11 Overall feet & leg score
ITA 0.11 Overall feet & leg score
NLD 0.17 Set and bone quality of legs, quality of feet, and use of legs and feet
USA - -

Trait: Locomotion
Country h2 Definition
CHE - -
DEA - -
FRA - -
ITA - -
NLD 0.12 Use of feet and legs
USA - -

Trait: Body Condition Score
Country h2 Definition
CAN 0.26 Angularity
CHE - -
DEA - -
FRA - -
ITA 0.19 Body condition score (Edmonson)
NLD 0.35 The relative fatness or body composition of the cow
USA - -

Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.45 Height of rump between hips
BEL 0.52 Stature
CAN 0.50 Height at withers (Guernsey)
0.53 Height at hips    (Holstein)
0.46 Height at withers (Jersey)
0.55 Height at withers (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.48 Height at withers
CHR 0.45 Height at withers
CZE 0.49 Stature
DEU 0.42 Stature
DFS 0.60 Stature (Holstein + Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.42 Stature (Jersey)
ESP 0.41 Height at rump between hips
EST 0.61 Stature
FRA 0.51 Height at Sacrum
FRR 0.55
GBR 0.55 Stature (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.64 -"-     (Guernsey)
0.48 -"-     (Holstein)
0.44 -"-     (Jersey)
HUN 0.43 Stature
ITA 0.38 Stature (Holstein)
0.36 -"-     (Jersey)
JPN 0.53 Height at rump
NLD 0.57 Measured in cm from the top of the spine in between hips to ground
NOR 0.37 Rump height in cm
NZL 0.37 Hight at the shoulders of the animal
POL 0.63 Stature
USA 0.54 Stature (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.49 Stature (Guernsey)
0.42 Distance ground to hip bone/vertebrae (Holstein)
0.37 Stature (Jersey)
ZAF 0.42 Height of the front part of rump (Holstein)
0.13 Wither height (Jersey)

Trait: Chest width
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Distance between fore legs
BEL 0.14 Chest width
CAN 0.21 Chest width (Guernsey)
0.22 -"-         (Holstein)
0.17 -"-         (Jersey)
0.25 -"-         (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.20 Distance between fore legs
CHR 0.20 Distance between fore legs
CZE 0.18 Chest width
DEU 0.18 Chest width
DFS 0.18 Chest width
DNK 0.17 Chest width (Jersey)
ESP 0.20 Distance between fore legs
EST 0.18 Chest width
FRA 0.19 Chest width
FRR 0.25
GBR 0.25 Chest width (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.18 -"-         (Guernsey)
0.25 -"-         (Holstein)
0.18 -"-         (Jersey)
HUN 0.28 Chest width
ITA 0.29 Chest width (Holstein)
0.26 -"-         (Jersey)
JPN 0.30 Width of chest floor
NLD 0.30 Measured from the inside surface between the top of the front legs
NOR 0.34 Heart girth in cm
NZL 0.22 Strength and depth of chest and body
POL 0.13 Chest width
USA 0.31 Strength                                      (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.22 Strength                                      (Guernsey)
0.28 Width of chest, muzzle, and substance of bone (Holstein)
0.21 Strength                                      (Jersey)
ZAF 0.24 Chest width (Holstein)
0.08 Chest width (Jersey)

Trait: Body depth
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Depth of the last rib
BEL 0.29 Body depth
CAN 0.32 Body depth (Guernsey)
0.32 -"-        (Holstein)
0.32 -"-        (Jersey)
0.32 -"-        (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.30 Depth of the last rib
CHR 0.36 Depth of the last rib
CZE 0.27 Body depth
DEU 0.24 Body depth
DFS 0.27 Body depth
DNK 0.25 Body depth (Jersey)
ESP 0.26 Depth and width of rib cage, side view
EST 0.43 Body depth
FRA 0.36 Body Depth
FRR 0.22
GBR 0.27 Body depth (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.26 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.43 -"-        (Holstein)
0.27 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.30 Body depth
ITA 0.31 Body depth (Holstein)
0.25 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.38 Depth of rear rib
NLD 0.32 Distance between top of spine and bottom of barrel at last rib - deepest point
NOR - -
NZL 0.22 Strength and depth of chest and body
POL 0.15 Body depth
USA 0.29 Body depth        (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.32 Body depth        (Guernsey)
0.35 Depth of rib cage (Holstein)
- -                 (Jersey)
ZAF 0.20 Depth at the deepest part of the centre piece (Holstein)
0.15 Body depth (Jersey)

Trait: Angularity
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Angularity
BEL 0.28 Angularity
CAN 0.26 Angularity (Guernsey)
0.26 -"-        (Holstein)
0.26 -"-        (Jersey)
0.26 -"-        (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.22 Distance, flatness and openess of ribs
CHR - -
CZE 0.29 Angularity
DEU 0.25 Angularity
DFS 0.31 Dairy form
DNK 0.27 Dairy form (Jersey)
ESP 0.28 Sharpness of back and thights, openess of ribs, flatness of bone
EST 0.25 Angularity
FRA 0.28 Angularity
FRR 0.36 Angularity
GBR 0.51 Angularity (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.26 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.33 -"-        (Holstein)
0.29 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.26 Angularity
ITA 0.31 Angularity (Holstein)
0.24 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.25 Sharpness and flatness of bone, openness and slant of rib, lenght of neck, quality of skin
NLD 0.26 The angle and openess of the ribs, combined with flatness of bone avoiding coarseness
NOR - -
NZL - -
POL 0.37 Angularity
USA 0.20 Dairy Form (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.28 Dairy Form (Guernsey)
0.31 -"-        (Holstein)
0.21 -"-        (Jersey)
ZAF 0.20 Angularity (Holstein)
0.11 Dairy form (Jersey)

Trait: Rump angle
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Angle of the rump from hips to pins
BEL 0.35 Rump angle
CAN 0.32 Rump angle (Guernsey)
0.36 -"-        (Holstein)
0.29 -"-        (Jersey)
0.35 -"-        (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.39 Angle of the rump from hips to pins
CHR 0.37 Angle of the rump from hips to pins, side view
CZE 0.32 Rump angle
DEU 0.26 Rump angle
DFS 0.32 Rump angle (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.29 Rump angle (Jersey)
ESP 0.30 Angle of the rump from hips to pins
EST 0.42 Rump angle
FRA 0.33 Rump angle
FRR 0.40 Rump angle
GBR 0.27 Rump angle (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.31 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.31 -"-        (Holstein)
0.29 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.28 Rump angle
ITA 0.25 Rump angle (Holstein)
0.28 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.41 Slope from hips to pins
NLD 0.39 Measured as the angle from the top of the pin to the top of the hip bone
NOR 0.19 Rump angle
NZL 0.25 Angle of rump from hips to pins
POL 0.25 Rump angle
USA 0.28 Rump angle                                     (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.41 Rump angle                                     (Guernsey)
0.35 Angle of the rump structure from hooks to pins (Holstein)
0.22 Rump angle                                     (Jersey)
ZAF 0.22 Side view of angle between pinbones and hipbones (Holstein)
0.13 Rump angle (Jersey)

Trait: Rump width
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Distance between pins
BEL 0.31 Rump width
CAN 0.26 Width at pins (Guernsey)
0.34 -"-           (Holstein)
0.21 -"-           (Jersey)
0.30 -"-           (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.42 Distance between pinS
CHR 0.24 Distance between pins
CZE 0.40 Rump width
DEU 0.29 Rump width
DFS 0.33 Rump width (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.32 Rump width (Jersey)
ESP 0.28 Distance between pins
EST 0.37 Rump width
FRA 0.31 Rump width
FRR 0.14 Rump width
GBR 0.38 Rump width (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.31 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.30 -"-        (Holstein)
0.25 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.21 Rump width
ITA 0.29 Rump width (Holstein)
0.15 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.34 Distance between pins
NLD 0.39 The distance between the most posterior point of pin bones
NOR - -
NZL 0.19 Width of pins, hips and thurls
POL 0.24 Rump width
USA 0.35 Thurl width                          (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.29 Thurl width                          (Guernsey)
0.25 Distance between inside wall of pins (Holstein)
0.18 Thurl width                          (Jersey)
ZAF 0.17 Distance between the two centers of the pinbones (Holstein)
0.05 Thurl width (Jersey)

Trait: Rear leg side view
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.17 Side view of the angle of the hock in the rear leg
BEL 0.15 Rear legs side view
CAN 0.16 Rear legs side view (Guernsey)
0.24 -"-                 (Holstein)
0.14 -"-                 (Jersey)
0.18 -"-                 (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.11 Side view of the angle of the hock in the rear leg
CHR 0.27 Side view of the angle of the hock in the rear leg
CZE 0.16 Rear leg set
DEU 0.15 Rear leg set
DFS 0.23 Rear legs side view (Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.14 Rear legs side view (Jersey)
ESP 0.17 Side view of the angle of the hock in the rear leg
EST 0.26 Rear leg side view
FRA 0.15 Rear leg set
FRR 0.10 Rear leg set
GBR 0.27 Rear leg set (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.18 -"-          (Guernsey)
0.19 -"-          (Holstein)
0.18 -"-          (Jersey)
HUN 0.13 Rear leg set
ITA 0.16 Rear leg set (Holstein)
0.11 -"-          (Jersey)
JPN 0.20 Straight - sickle leg, side view
NLD 0.24 Angle measured at the front of the hock
NOR 0.11 Rear leg side view
NZL 0.07 Straightness or curvature of the rear legs
POL 0.12 Rear leg set
USA 0.15 Rear legs                       (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.16 Rear legs                       (Guernsey)
0.21 Amount of set to the hock joint (Holstein)
0.07 Rear legs                       (Jersey)
ZAF 0.10 Rear leg side view (Holstein)
0.03 Rear leg set (Jersey)

Trait: Rear leg rear view
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.25 Rear leg rear view
BEL 0.09 Rear leg rear view
CAN 0.13 Rear leg rear view (Guernsey)
0.13 -"-                (Holstein)
0.13 -"-                (Jersey)
0.13 -"-                (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.10 Rear leg rear view
CHR 0.21 Rear leg rear view
CZE 0.14 Rear leg rear view
DEU 0.16 Angle of toe out of the rear feet
DFS 0.19 Rear leg rear view (Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.12 Rear leg rear view (Jersey)
ESP 0.12 Rear leg rear view
EST 0.12 Rear leg rear view
FRA 0.15 Rear leg rear view
FRR 0.15 Rear leg rear view
GBR - -          (Red Dairy Cattle)
- -          (Guernsey)
0.11 Locomotion (Holstein)
- -          (Jersey)
HUN 0.05 Rear leg rear view
ITA 0.15 Rear leg rear view (Holstein)
0.07 -"-                (Jersey)
JPN 0.11 Sickle - straight leg, rear view
NLD 0.18 The angle of toe out of the rear feet
NOR 0.07 Rear leg rear view
NZL - -
POL 0.04 The angle of toe out of the rear feet
USA - -                                (Red Dairy Cattle)
- -                                (Guernsey)
0.15 Amount of hock-in and/or toe-out (Holstein)
- -                                (Jersey)
ZAF 0.11 Rear leg rear view (Holstein)
0.04 Rear leg rear view (Jersey)

Trait: Foot angle
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.21 Side view foot diagonal
BEL 0.06 Foot angle
CAN 0.07 Foot angle (Guernsey)
0.11 -"-        (Holstein)
0.06 -"-        (Jersey)
0.08 -"-        (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.12 Heel depth
CHR 0.22 Foot angle
CZE 0.10 Foot angle
DEU 0.12 Foot angle
DFS 0.18 Foot angle (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.09 Foot angle (Jersey)
ESP 0.14 Side view of the rear foot angle
EST 0.13 Foot angle
FRA 0.10 Foot angle
FRR 0.14 Foot angle
GBR 0.31 Foot angle (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.23 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.14 -"-        (Holstein)
0.25 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.08 Foot angle
ITA 0.18 Foot angle (Holstein)
0.08 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.05 Angle between toes of the foot and ground
NLD 0.20 Angle at the front of the rear hoof measured from the floor to the hairline
NOR 0.11 Foot angle
NZL - -
POL 0.07 Foot angle
USA 0.15 Foot angle                         (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.10 Foot angle                         (Guernsey)
0.12 Steepness of the angle of the foot (Holstein)
0.10 Foot angle                         (Jersey)
ZAF 0.13 Angle between the foot's fron end and ground (Holstein)
0.10 Foot angle (Jersey)

Trait: Fore udder
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Strength and quality of attachment between body and fore udder - side view
BEL 0.23 Fore udder attachment
CAN 0.23 Fore udder attachment (Guernsey)
0.28 -"-                   (Holstein)
0.22 -"-                   (Jersey)
0.23 -"-                   (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.22 Strength and quality of attachment between body and fore udder - side view
CHR 0.31 Attachment between body and fore udder
CZE 0.24 Fore udder
DEU 0.21 Fore udder
DFS 0.25 Fore udder attachment (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.25 Fore udder attachment (Jersey)
ESP 0.21 Strength and quality of attachment between body and fore udder
EST 0.27 Fore udder attachment
FRA 0.25 Fore udder attachment
FRR 0.27 Fore udder attachment
GBR 0.26 Fore udder (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.30 -"-        (Guernsey)
0.21 -"-        (Holstein)
0.24 -"-        (Jersey)
HUN 0.14 Fore udder
ITA 0.15 Fore udder (Holstein)
0.22 -"-        (Jersey)
JPN 0.21 Strength of attachment
NLD 0.30 The strength of attachment of the fore udder to the abdominal wall
NOR 0.08 Fore udder
NZL 0.20 Strength of attachment to the body wall
POL 0.17 Fore udder
USA 0.21 Fore udder                                                             (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.29 Fore udder                                                             (Guernsey)
0.22 Strength of the udder attachment to the body wall by lateral ligaments (Holstein)
0.19 Fore udder attachment                                                  (Jersey)
ZAF 0.13 Strength of attachment (Holstein)
0.10 Fore udder (Jersey)

Trait: Rear udder height
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.27 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
BEL 0.23 Rear udder height
CAN 0.20 Rear udder height (Guernsey)
0.23 -"-               (Holstein)
0.22 -"-               (Jersey)
0.19 -"-               (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.24 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
CHR 0.36 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
CZE 0.23 Rear udder height
DEU 0.23 Rear udder heigth
DFS 0.26 Rear udder height (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.17 Rear udder height (Jersey)
ESP 0.22 Distance between vulva and milk secreting tissue
EST 0.30 Rear udder height
FRA 0.21 Rear udder heigth
FRR 0.31 Rear udder heigth
GBR 0.40 Rear udder heigth (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.17 -"-               (Guernsey)
0.27 -"-               (Holstein)
0.25 -"-               (Jersey)
HUN 0.15 Distance between highest point of udder and middle point of hock-pin line
ITA 0.20 Rear udder heigth (Holstein)
0.17 -"-               (Jersey)
JPN 0.26 Distance between bottom of vulva and top of milk secretion tissue
NLD 0.28 The distance between the pin bones and the milk secreting tissue
NOR 0.09 Rear udder height
NZL 0.20 Height and width of the rear udder attachment
POL 0.23 Read udder height
USA 0.26 Rear udder height              (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.28 Rear udder height              (Guernsey)
0.20 Point of rear udder attachment (Holstein)
0.26 Rear udder height              (Jersey)
ZAF 0.14 Distance from top part of rear udder to bottom of vulva (Holstein)
0.14 Rear udder height (Jersey)

Trait: Udder support
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.27 Cleft of udder
BEL 0.19 Udder support
CAN 0.18 Median suspensory (Guernsey)
0.14 -"-               (Holstein)
0.19 -"-               (Jersey)
0.17 -"-               (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.19 Cleft of udder
CHR 0.34 Visibility of suspensory ligament
CZE 0.18 Udder support
DEU 0.14 Udder support
DFS 0.22 Udder cleft (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.17 Udder cleft (Jersey)
ESP 0.17 Cleft of udder
EST 0.17 Udder support
FRA 0.23 Udder cleft
FRR 0.21 Udder cleft
GBR 0.09 Udder support (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.20 -"-           (Guernsey)
0.23 -"-           (Holstein)
0.14 -"-           (Jersey)
HUN 0.12 Udder support
ITA 0.15 Udder support (Holstein)
0.28 -"-           (Jersey)
JPN 0.20 Depth of cleft through the bottom of the udder
NLD 0.28 The depth of cleft, measured at the base of the udder
NOR 0.08 Udder support
NZL 0.20 Suspensory ligament and udder depth
POL 0.12 Udder support
USA 0.23 Udder cleft                                         (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.21 Udder cleft                                         (Guernsey)
0.17 Depth of the cleft through the front and rear udder (Holstein)
0.17 Udder cleft                                         (Jersey)
ZAF 0.09 Depth of udder cleft between rear teats (Holstein)
0.07 Udder support (Jersey)

Trait: Udder depth
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
BEL 0.29 Udder depth
CAN 0.31 Udder depth (Guernsey)
0.42 -"-         (Holstein)
0.30 -"-         (Jersey)
0.32 -"-         (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.25 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
CHR 0.34 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
CZE 0.32 Udder depth
DEU 0.26 Udder depth
DFS 0.37 Udder depth (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.37 Udder depth (Jersey)
ESP 0.30 Distance between hock and bottom of udder
EST 0.45 Udder depth
FRA 0.36 Udder-hocks distance
FRR 0.39 Udder-hocks distance
GBR 0.22 Udder depth (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.36 -"-         (Guernsey)
0.34 -"-         (Holstein)
0.33 -"-         (Jersey)
HUN 0.27 Udder depth
ITA 0.29 Udder depth (Holstein)
0.36 -"-         (Jersey)
JPN 0.46 The distance between the lowest point of the udder floor and the hock
NLD 0.40 The distance of the lowest udder floor to the hock
NOR 0.36 Distance teat floor
NZL - -
POL 0.21 Udder depth
USA 0.31 Udder depth                           (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.40 Udder depth                           (Guernsey)
0.30 Distance between hock and udder floor (Holstein)
0.27 Udder depth                           (Jersey)
ZAF 0.19 Distance between udder floor and hocks (Holstein)
0.14 Udder depth (Jersey)

Trait: Teat placement
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.33 Placement of front teats - front view
BEL 0.32 Placement of front teats
CAN 0.20 Front teat placement (Guernsey)
0.31 -"-                  (Holstein)
0.22 -"-                  (Jersey)
0.17 -"-                  (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.37 Placement of front teats
CHR 0.48 Placement of front teats - front view
CZE 0.20 Front teat placement
DEU 0.22 Teat placement
DFS 0.20 Front teat placement (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.41 Front teat placement (Jersey)
ESP 0.25 Distance between front teats
EST 0.34 Front teat placement
FRA 0.35 Front teat placement
FRR 0.31 Front teat placement
GBR 0.25 Front teat placement (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.39 Front teat placement (Guernsey)
0.28 Teat placement       (Holstein)
0.34 Front teat placement (Jersey)
HUN 0.20 Teat placement
ITA 0.22 Teat placement (Holstein)
0.11 -"-            (Jersey)
JPN 0.38 Placement of from teats on the quarter - rear view
NLD 0.42 The position of the center of the front teat at the point of the udder - front view
NOR 0.36 Distance front teats in cm
NZL 0.25 Placement of the front teats
POL 0.20 Teat placement
USA 0.24 Teat placement                                (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.31 Teat placement                                (Guernsey)
0.27 Placement of front teats viewed from the rear (Holstein)
0.20 Front teat placement                          (Jersey)
ZAF 0.19 Position of teat base viewed from the front (Holstein)
0.19 Teat placement (Jersey)

Trait: Teat length
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.24 Length of front teats - side view
BEL 0.34 Length of front teats
CAN 0.29 Front teat length (Guernsey)
0.29 -"-               (Holstein)
0.29 -"-               (Jersey)
0.29 -"-               (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.40 Length of front teats - side view
CHR 0.51 Length of front teats - side view
CZE 0.32 Teat length
DEU 0.25 Teat length
DFS 0.41 Front teat length (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.42 Front teat length (Jersey)
ESP 0.29 Front teat length
EST 0.35 Front teat length
FRA 0.39 Teat length
FRR 0.34 Teat length
GBR 0.37 Teat length (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.27 -"-         (Guernsey)
0.33 -"-         (Holstein)
0.37 -"-         (Jersey)
HUN 0.25 Teat length
ITA 0.20 Teat length (Holstein)
0.18 -"-         (Jersey)
JPN 0.40 Length of (extreme) teat
NLD 0.43 The length of the front teat
NOR 0.26 Teat length
NZL - -
POL 0.23 Teat length
USA 0.30 Teat length           (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.34 Teat length           (Guernsey)
0.28 Length of front teats (Holstein)
0.19 Teat length           (Jersey)
ZAF 0.35 Teat length (Holstein)
0.24 Teat length (Jersey)

Trait: Rear teat placement
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.30 Rear teat placement
BEL 0.29 Rear teat placement
CAN 0.20 Rear teat placement (Guernsey)
0.31 -"-                 (Holstein)
0.22 -"-                 (Jersey)
0.24 -"-                 (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.38 Placement of rear teats
CHR - -
CZE 0.27 Rear teat placement
DEU 0.28 Rear teat placement
DFS 0.26 Rear teat placement (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.34 Rear teat placement (Jersey)
ESP 0.24 Rear teat placement
EST 0.36 Rear teat placement
FRA 0.29 Teat direction rear
FRR 0.31 Teat placement
GBR - -                   (Red Dairy Cattle)
- -                   (Guernsey)
0.23 Rear teat placement (Holstein)
- -                   (Jersey)
HUN - -
ITA 0.19 Rear teat placement
JPN 0.31 -
NLD 0.39 Position of the center of the rear teat in relation to the base of the udder
NOR 0.25 Rear teat placement
NZL 0.28 The placement of the rear teats
POL - -
USA 0.18 Rear teat placement (Holstein)
ZAF 0.19 Rear teat placement (Jersey)

Trait: Overall conformation
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.30 General appearance
BEL 0.36 Overall conformation score
CAN 0.23 Final score (individual trait) (Guernsey)
0.26 -"-                            (Holstein)
0.23 -"-                            (Jersey)
0.23 Final score (individual trait) (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.26 Final score (composite trait)
CHR 0.34 Overall score (composite trait)
CZE 0.25 Overall conformation score
DEU 0.26 Relative total breeding value for type (RZE)
DFS 0.30 Overall conformation (composite trait) (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.25 Overall conformation (composite trait) (Jersey)
ESP 0.24 Final class (individual trait)
EST 0.27 Overall conformation (composite trait)
FRA 0.30 Overall score (composite trait)
FRR 0.31 Overall score (composite trait)
GBR 0.30 Total score                            (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.36 Total score                            (Guernsey)
0.31 Overall conformation (composite trait) (Holstein)
0.30 Total score                            (Jersey)
HUN 0.20 Overall conformation
ITA 0.15 Final score (composite trait) (Holstein)
0.22 -"-                            (Jersey)
JPN 0.27 Overall conformation (composite trait)
NLD 0.30 Overall conformation (composite trait)
NOR 0.19 Overall conformation (composite trait)
NZL 0.19 Overall conformation (composite trait)
POL 0.28 Overall conformation score
USA 0.27 Final score                             (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.21 Final score                             (Guernsey)
0.31 Overall conformation (individual trait) (Holstein)
0.19 Final score                             (Jersey)
ZAF - -

Trait: Overall udder
Country h2 Definition
AUS 0.30 Mammary system
BEL 0.24 Overall udder score
CAN 0.21 Overall udder score (Guernsey)
0.25 -"-                 (Holstein)
0.20 -"-                 (Jersey)
0.22 -"-                 (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.21 Overall udder (composite trait)
CHR 0.37 Composite score for udder
CZE 0.20 Overall udder score
DEU 0.23 Overall udder (composite trait)
DFS 0.25 Mammary (composite trait) (Holstein, Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.25 Mammary (composite trait) (Jersey)
ESP 0.25 Mammary system (individual trait)
EST 0.31 Overall udder score
FRA 0.30 Udder score (composite trait)
FRR 0.41 Udder score (composite trait)
GBR 0.30 Mammary                         (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.30 Mammary                         (Guernsey)
0.26 Overall udder (composite trait) (Holstein)
0.30 Mammary                         (Jersey)
HUN 0.12 Overall udder
ITA 0.28 Overall udder (composite trait) (Holstein)
- -                               (Jersey)
JPN 0.20 Overall udder score (individual trait)
NLD 0.34 Qualification of the total udder, with emphasis on teat placement, suspensory ligament and udder depth
NOR 0.37 Udder index
NZL 0.23 All traits pertaining to the udder
POL 0.15 Overall udder score
USA 0.26 Overall udder (composite trait) (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.32 -"-                             (Guernsey)
0.23 -"-                             (Holstein)
0.23 -"-                             (Jersey)
ZAF - -

Trait: Overall feet & legs
Country h2 Definition
AUS - Side view foot diagonal
BEL 0.13 Overall feet & legs score
CAN 0.17 Overall feet & leg score (Guernsey)
0.15 -"-                      (Holstein)
0.13 -"-                      (Jersey)
0.21 -"-                      (Red Dairy Cattle)
CHE 0.16 Overall feet & legs (composite trait)
CHR 0.22 Composite score for feet and legs
CZE 0.12 Overall feet & legs score
DEU 0.18 Overall feet & legs (composite trait)
DFS 0.20 Feet and legs (composite trait) (Red Dairy Cattle)
DNK 0.15 Feet and legs (composite trait) (Jersey)
ESP 0.17 Feet and legs (individual trait)
EST 0.14 Overal feet & legs score
FRA 0.10 Locomotion
FRR - -
GBR 0.30 Overall feet & legs (composite trait) (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.30 -"-                                   (Guernsey)
0.15 -"-                                   (Holstein)
0.30 -"-                                   (Jersey)
HUN 0.15 Overall feet & legs
ITA 0.10 Overall feet & legs (Holstein)
0.09 Subjective score of feet & legs    (Jersey)
JPN 0.13 Overall feet & legs (individual trait)
NLD 0.17 Set and bone quality of legs, quality of feet, and use of legs and feet
NOR 0.07 Leg index
NZL - -
POL 0.10 Overall feet and leg score
USA 0.15 Feet & legs (composite) (Red Dairy Cattle)
0.12 -"-                     (Guernsey)
0.17 Feet & legs score       (Holstein)
0.09 Feet & legs (composite) (Jersey)
ZAF - -

Trait: Locomotion
Country h2 Definition
AUS - -
BEL 0.09 Use rear leg rear view (Hol)
CAN 0.13 Use rear leg rear view
CHE 0.06 Composite
CHR - -
CZE - -
DEU 0.07 Locomotion (WHFF) (Holstein,RDC)
DFS 0.19 Rear leg rear view (Holstein)
ESP - -
EST - -
FRA 0.10 Locomotion (Holstein)
FRR - -
GBR 0.10 Locomotion (Holstein)
HUN - -
ITA 0.15 Subjective functionality score (Holstein)
JPN - -
NLD 0.12 Use of legs and feet
NOR - -
NZL - -
POL - -
USA 0.17 Mobility (Holstein)
ZAF - -

Trait: Body Condition Score
Country h2 Definition
AUS - -
BEL 0.33 Body condition score
CAN 0.26 Angularity
CHE 0.17 Body condition score (Edmonson)
CHR - -
CZE - -
DEU 0.25 Body condition score (WHFF) (Holstein,RDC)
DFS 0.23 Body condition score (Holstein)
ESP - -
EST - -
FRA 0.28 Angularity (Holstein)
FRR 0.36 Muscularity
GBR 0.27 Body condition score (Holstein)
HUN - -
ITA 0.31 Angularity (Holstein)
JPN - -
NLD 0.35 The relative fatness or body composition of the cow
NOR - -
NZL 0.20 Visual estimate of condition
POL - -
USA 0.31 Angularity (Holstein)
ZAF - -