Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull test evaluation for conformation traits (December 2011)
No. No.

stature 142 2058 233 1473 75 638 2398 7017 5755
chest width 142 1264 232 1455 57 638 2116 5904 4782
body depth 110 2039 216 1451 49 0 2383 6248 5362
angularity 138 1996 203 0 40 631 0 3008 2628
rump angle 142 2058 233 1473 75 638 2398 7017 5755
rump width 139 2017 222 0 68 633 2384 5463 4694
rear leg set 142 2058 233 1473 75 638 2398 7017 5755
foot angle 142 2058 233 1473 54 638 2398 6996 5745
heel depth 110 2039 216 1323 48 0 2383 6119 5240
fore udder 142 2049 227 1416 55 638 748 5275 4357
rear udder height 142 2058 233 1473 57 638 2398 6999 5746
rear udder width 142 2058 233 1473 57 638 2398 6999 5746
udder support 142 2058 233 1473 75 638 2398 7017 5755
udder depth 138 2058 233 1473 75 638 2398 7013 5752
front teat placement 139 2016 222 0 68 633 1890 4968 4247
teat length 142 2058 233 1473 75 630 2398 7009 5747
rear teat placement 103 2026 205 1259 41 0 744 4378 3800
overall conformation 142 1257 227 1413 74 638 748 4499 3639
overall udder 139 1264 233 1469 75 638 2363 6181 5002
overall feet & legs 142 1264 233 1343 75 638 2363 6058 4884
locomotion 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 17 17
body condition score 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 29 29