Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull test evaluation for conformation traits (December 2011)
No. No.
AUS CAN GBR USA record bulls

stature 44 87 143 592 866 744
chest width 44 87 143 592 866 744
body depth 44 87 143 553 827 705
angularity 44 87 143 592 866 744
rump angle 44 87 143 592 866 744
rump width 44 87 143 592 866 744
rear leg set 44 87 143 592 866 744
rear leg rear view 13 78 0 177 268 240
foot angle 44 87 143 592 866 744
fore udder 44 87 143 592 866 744
rear udder height 44 87 143 592 866 744
udder support 44 87 143 592 866 744
udder depth 44 81 143 592 860 740
front teat placement 44 87 143 592 866 744
teat length 44 87 143 578 852 730
rear teat placement 8 72 0 0 80 76
overall conformation 44 87 82 592 805 701
overall udder 44 81 125 592 842 725
overall feet & legs 44 87 125 592 848 729
locomotion 0 72 0 0 72 72
body condition score 0 0 0 0 0 0