Table 1. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in
the Interbull routine evaluation for Ayrshire conformation traits (May 2004)
AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, FIN=Finland, GBR=United Kingdom,
NOR=Norway, NZL=New Zealand, SWE=Sweden, USA=United States
No. No.

stature 146 444 963 1251 143 0 317 663 93 4020 3858
chest width 146 444 966 727 143 1993 0 667 93 5179 5037
body depth 119 444 963 727 143 0 315 658 86 3455 3296
angularity 146 443 963 727 143 0 0 658 93 3173 3047
rump angle 146 444 966 726 143 1993 316 667 93 5494 5318
rump width 146 444 963 727 143 0 315 658 93 3489 3330
rear leg set 146 444 966 1252 143 1993 318 668 93 6023 5842
rear leg rear view 0 0 966 723 0 1993 0 666 0 4348 4278
foot angle 119 443 966 701 143 1993 0 667 93 5125 4983
fore udder 146 444 966 1252 143 1993 318 668 93 6023 5842
rear udder height 146 444 282 1252 143 1993 318 667 93 5338 5162
udder support 146 444 966 1252 143 1993 318 668 93 6023 5842
udder depth 119 408 963 1251 143 0 0 659 92 3635 3509
front teat placement 146 444 966 726 143 1993 316 667 93 5494 5318
teat length 117 0 965 1248 131 916 0 663 65 4105 4024
rear teat placement 0 437 273 715 0 0 309 0 0 1734 1703
overall conformation 146 444 966 0 95 1993 311 647 93 4695 4575
overall udder 145 405 966 0 95 1993 311 655 0 4570 4484
overall feet & legs 117 438 966 0 95 1993 0 655 0 4264 4200