Table 2. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey 
conformation traits (November 2001)
AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom, NZL=New Zealand, 
USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.
Trait AUS CAN DNK GBR NZL USA ZAF record bulls
stature 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
chest width 300 217 963 77 0 1465 57 3079 2874
body depth 212 216 964 77 1311 1332 57 4169 3878
angularity 300 217 963 77 0 1465 161 3183 2961
rump angle 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
rump width 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
rear leg set 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
foot angle 211 217 963 77 0 1465 161 3094 2873
fore udder 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
rear udder height 301 217 193 76 1309 1465 160 3721 3435
udder support 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
udder depth 211 203 963 77 0 1465 161 3080 2867
teat placement 301 217 964 77 1311 1465 161 4496 4185
teat length 208 0 961 71 0 1401 57 2698 2588
overall conformation 300 217 963 68 0 1465 0 3013 2824
overall udder 291 190 952 58 1298 0 0 2789 2678
overall feet & legs 194 195 945 55 0 0 0 1389 1344