Table 3. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Holstein conformation traits (February 2003)
AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), DEU=Germany, DNK=Denmark,
DNR=Denmark (Red Holstein), ESP=Spain, FIN=Finland, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy,
NLD=Netherlands (+Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, SWE=Sweden, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.
stature 1692 320 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 720 392 7467 2699 833 4252 6136 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65454 59350
chest width 1692 270 5055 465 513 9685 4357 133 720 250 2661 2689 833 4247 4201 2300 2311 526 15160 0 58068 52725
body depth 1688 320 4501 465 513 9690 4357 133 720 251 7467 2689 831 4248 4230 2300 2315 526 15159 425 62828 56876
angularity 1691 240 5055 464 0 9542 4357 133 719 250 2661 2687 833 4247 4008 0 2311 526 15160 424 55308 50413
rump angle 1692 320 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 720 251 7467 2699 833 4252 6136 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65313 59209
rump width 1692 190 5055 465 513 9691 4356 133 720 251 7467 2698 833 4252 5960 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65005 58999
rear leg set 1692 320 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 720 392 7467 2699 833 4252 6136 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65454 59350
rear leg rear view 0 146 2659 463 0 6554 4357 133 690 248 2661 1792 823 2869 2974 0 0 526 15139 0 42034 38521
foot angle 1687 190 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 720 229 6531 2687 833 4246 3844 0 2315 526 15160 424 59606 54209
fore udder 1692 320 5055 465 513 9493 4357 133 720 391 4775 2691 833 4247 4205 2300 2313 526 15160 424 60613 54763
rear udder height 1692 272 5055 465 513 9691 1203 46 720 392 6531 2623 833 4249 4230 2300 2315 525 15160 423 59238 53389
udder support 1692 272 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 720 392 7467 2699 833 4252 6136 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65406 59323
udder depth 1687 307 5055 465 424 9691 4357 133 720 392 7467 2697 833 4252 6136 0 2316 527 15161 425 63045 57389
teat placement 1692 272 5055 465 513 9691 4357 133 701 251 7467 2699 833 4252 6136 2300 2316 527 15161 425 65246 59174
teat length 1687 320 4501 465 513 9690 4357 133 701 392 7467 2695 558 4251 6136 0 2315 527 15160 425 62293 56689
overall conformation 1692 320 5055 465 424 9691 4357 133 720 0 7467 2418 833 4252 6136 2300 2160 527 15087 0 64037 58207
overall udder 1692 320 5055 465 424 9691 4357 133 720 0 7467 2312 833 4252 6136 2300 2160 527 15161 0 64005 58163
overall feet & legs 1687 246 5055 465 424 6556 4357 133 716 0 2661 2308 556 2881 6116 0 2149 527 13443 0 50280 45617