Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the
Interbull routine evaluation for Jersey conformation traits (May 2003)
AUS=Australia, CAN=Canada, DNK=Denmark, GBR=United Kingdom,
NZL=New Zealand, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa
No. No.
Trait AUS CAN DNK GBR NZL USA ZAF record bulls
stature 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
chest width 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 96 4806 4384
body depth 297 235 1079 94 1463 0 96 3264 3019
angularity 291 235 1077 92 0 1542 197 3434 3124
rump angle 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
rump width 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
rear leg set 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
foot angle 291 235 1077 92 0 1542 197 3434 3124
fore udder 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
rear udder height 297 235 315 90 1459 1542 196 4134 3726
udder support 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
udder depth 291 229 1077 92 0 1542 197 3428 3120
teat placement 297 235 1079 94 1463 1542 197 4907 4465
teat length 285 0 1075 79 0 1519 96 3054 2871
overall conformation 297 235 1079 88 1463 1542 0 4704 4327
overall udder 279 212 1065 76 1438 0 0 3070 2905
overall feet & legs 266 212 1059 70 0 0 0 1607 1536