Table 4. Number of (publishable) national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation for Holstein conformation traits (August 2004)
AUS=Australia, BEL=(Walloon part of) Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CHR=Swizerland (Red Holstein), CZE=Czech Rep., DEU=Germany+Austria,
DNK=Denmark, DNR=Denmark (Red Holstein), ESP=Spain, FIN=Finland, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, ITA=Italy,
JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands (+ Flemish part of Belgium), NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, SWE=Sweden, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep.of South Africa
No. No.

stature 2130 434 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 1010 446 8732 3256 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 476 79106 71039
chest width 2130 386 5647 553 693 842 11500 4932 167 1010 332 3949 3247 1050 4720 2321 5150 2547 2853 745 16978 0 71752 64463
body depth 1876 430 5093 553 693 842 11499 4932 167 1010 332 3949 3244 1048 4719 2321 5155 2547 2852 745 16977 475 71459 63966
angularity 2129 359 5647 551 0 842 11338 4932 167 1009 332 3949 3240 1050 4719 2321 4935 0 2852 745 16978 475 68570 61840
rump angle 2130 434 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 1010 333 8732 3256 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 476 78993 70927
rump width 2130 311 5647 553 693 842 11500 4932 167 1010 332 3949 3253 1050 4724 2321 6887 2547 2854 746 16979 475 73902 66356
rear leg set 2130 434 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 1010 446 8732 3256 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 476 79106 71039
rear leg rear view 0 266 3253 550 0 0 8389 4930 164 949 331 3949 2329 1039 3538 1638 3918 0 1430 745 16957 0 54375 49557
foot angle 1875 313 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 1010 322 7378 3240 1050 4718 2321 4771 0 2856 746 16978 476 72390 65117
fore udder 2130 388 5647 553 693 842 11283 4932 167 1010 445 6037 3249 1050 4720 2321 5155 2547 2855 746 16978 475 74223 66394
rear udder height 2130 389 5647 553 693 842 11500 1795 76 1010 446 7794 3180 1050 4721 2321 5155 2547 2856 745 16978 474 72902 65100
udder support 2130 390 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 1010 446 8732 3256 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 476 79062 71013
udder depth 1875 426 5544 553 603 842 11502 4932 167 1010 446 8732 3250 1050 4724 2321 7060 0 2858 747 16979 476 76097 68547
front teat placement 2130 390 5647 553 693 842 11502 4932 167 961 333 8732 3256 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 476 78900 70862
teat length 1875 434 5093 553 693 842 11501 4932 167 961 446 8732 3248 780 4723 2174 7060 0 2857 747 16978 476 75272 67772
rear teat placement 0 325 5467 488 0 0 6790 1760 76 0 323 8648 846 0 0 0 2897 2414 0 0 0 0 30034 28550
overall conformation 2130 431 5647 553 603 0 11500 4932 167 1010 0 3997 2964 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2854 551 16903 0 71944 65255
overall udder 2130 434 5647 553 603 0 11502 4932 167 1010 0 8732 2866 1050 4724 2321 7060 2547 2858 747 16979 0 76862 69598
overall feet & legs 1875 383 5647 553 603 0 8395 4930 164 1007 0 3949 2858 778 3552 2049 7060 0 2847 746 15259 0 62655 56558