Estimated sire standard deviation (diagonal) and genetic correlations (above diagonal) considered in the Interbull evaluation for dairy production traits of May 2006; sire standard deviation estimates are based on ETA and reflect the scale for record pre-adjusting in various countries and are expressed in kgs (lbs in USA).

AUS=Australia, BEL=Belgium, CAN=Canada, CHE=Switzerland, CZE=Czech Republic, DEU=Germany, DFS=Denmark + Finland + Sweden ,ESP=Spain, EST=Estonia, FRA=France, GBR=United Kingdom, HUN=Hungary, IRL=Ireland, ISR=Israel, ITA=Italy, JPN=Japan, NLD=Netherlands, NOR=Norway, NZL=New Zealand, POL=Poland, SVN=Slovenia, USA=United States, ZAF=Rep. of South Africa.

Ayrshire - Milk
can nor usa nzl aus gbr dfs deu zaf est
can 279 .90 .93 .76 .80 .86 .90 .91 .87 .88
nor 238 .90 .78 .83 .90 .89 .92 .90 .93
usa 562 .76 .80 .86 .88 .89 .87 .88
nzl 154 .86 .76 .76 .76 .76 .80
aus 213 .78 .79 .77 .81 .79
gbr 246 .92 .85 .86 .88
dfs 268 .89 .86 .90
deu 261 .86 .88
zaf 225 .90
est 255
Ayrshire - Fat
can nor usa nzl aus gbr dfs deu zaf est
can 10.43 .90 .91 .76 .76 .86 .90 .89 .86 .88
nor 9.74 .90 .78 .77 .90 .88 .89 .90 .93
usa 18.95 .76 .78 .86 .89 .87 .86 .88
nzl 6.41 .86 .76 .76 .76 .76 .80
aus 9.57 .78 .78 .76 .76 .79
gbr 7.81 .89 .85 .86 .88
dfs 11.42 .89 .86 .87
deu 10.90 .86 .88
zaf 8.20 .90
est 9.90
Ayrshire - Protein
can nor usa nzl aus gbr dfs deu zaf est
can 8.33 .90 .91 .76 .76 .86 .88 .89 .86 .88
nor 6.44 .90 .78 .86 .90 .89 .92 .90 .89
usa 14.75 .76 .78 .86 .88 .86 .86 .88
nzl 4.56 .85 .76 .76 .76 .76 .80
aus 5.13 .76 .76 .76 .81 .79
gbr 6.61 .90 .85 .86 .88
dfs 6.99 .88 .86 .87
deu 7.97 .86 .88
zaf 6.71 .90
est 6.86

BrownSwiss - Milk
can fra usa che ita deu nld svn nzl
can 313 .89 .94 .93 .93 .91 .91 .88 .76
fra 324 .89 .91 .88 .87 .91 .87 .77
usa 648 .88 .89 .89 .90 .88 .76
che 223 .89 .93 .90 .87 .77
ita 223 .89 .89 .86 .76
deu 222 .90 .86 .76
nld 249 .88 .76
svn 126 .79
nzl 135
BrownSwiss - Fat
can fra usa che ita deu nld svn nzl
can 13.56 .89 .93 .87 .89 .89 .88 .88 .77
fra 13.57 .89 .88 .87 .88 .91 .87 .76
usa 26.66 .86 .89 .87 .87 .88 .76
che 9.07 .91 .94 .88 .87 .80
ita 9.09 .91 .86 .86 .78
deu 8.66 .89 .86 .78
nld 10.63 .88 .76
svn 5.43 .79
nzl 6.48
BrownSwiss - Protein
can fra usa che ita deu nld svn nzl
can 10.90 .88 .92 .92 .90 .89 .89 .88 .76
fra 10.23 .88 .90 .87 .86 .88 .87 .76
usa 20.29 .88 .88 .86 .87 .88 .76
che 6.76 .87 .92 .87 .87 .77
ita 7.27 .87 .86 .86 .77
deu 6.89 .88 .86 .76
nld 7.42 .88 .76
svn 4.11 .79
nzl 4.11

Guernsey - Milk
can usa aus gbr zaf nzl
can 343 .94 .80 .86 .86 .76
usa 687 .77 .86 .86 .76
aus 305 .78 .78 .87
gbr 220 .87 .76
zaf 172 .77
nzl 144
Guernsey - Fat
can usa aus gbr zaf nzl
can 14.08 .94 .77 .87 .86 .77
usa 25.51 .76 .86 .86 .76
aus 9.76 .78 .76 .87
gbr 8.74 .86 .76
zaf 7.05 .76
nzl 6.98
Guernsey - Protein
can usa aus gbr zaf nzl
can 10.81 .92 .76 .87 .86 .76
usa 18.81 .76 .86 .86 .76
aus 6.84 .76 .76 .86
gbr 6.55 .86 .76
zaf 5.31 .76
nzl 4.74

Holstein - Milk
can deu dfs fra ita nld usa che gbr nzl aus bel irl esp cze svn est isr chr frr hun pol zaf jpn
can 407 .91 .92 .93 .92 .93 .95 .93 .86 .75 .79 .86 .85 .92 .85 .87 .87 .77 .87 .88 .87 .86 .85 .95
deu 293 .90 .88 .86 .92 .89 .87 .85 .75 .75 .87 .78 .88 .85 .86 .86 .76 .87 .89 .85 .86 .85 .91
dfs 296 .90 .89 .92 .90 .92 .92 .75 .80 .87 .85 .89 .85 .86 .87 .76 .91 .87 .85 .87 .85 .94
fra 344 .91 .93 .91 .96 .85 .76 .85 .88 .91 .92 .85 .88 .87 .79 .92 .91 .88 .87 .85 .93
ita 300 .89 .94 .88 .85 .75 .78 .85 .81 .89 .85 .86 .87 .76 .86 .87 .90 .87 .85 .91
nld 320 .91 .93 .86 .75 .81 .90 .88 .92 .85 .89 .86 .78 .90 .86 .87 .86 .85 .93
usa 716 .88 .86 .75 .76 .85 .82 .91 .85 .86 .87 .76 .85 .87 .89 .86 .85 .94
che 260 .85 .75 .84 .88 .90 .92 .86 .88 .88 .79 .95 .88 .86 .86 .86 .92
gbr 268 .75 .78 .85 .83 .86 .85 .86 .86 .76 .85 .87 .85 .90 .85 .86
nzl 156 .85 .75 .85 .75 .75 .77 .77 .76 .76 .79 .75 .75 .75 .76
aus 219 .82 .85 .81 .76 .79 .78 .77 .83 .83 .75 .77 .75 .82
bel 229 .84 .88 .85 .89 .87 .77 .85 .90 .85 .86 .85 .86
irl 173 .85 .76 .81 .78 .76 .86 .80 .77 .77 .75 .88
esp 269 .85 .92 .87 .78 .88 .87 .86 .87 .85 .93
cze 300 .89 .87 .77 .86 .90 .85 .86 .86 .85
svn 224 .89 .79 .88 .91 .87 .87 .87 .87
est 279 .80 .89 .93 .88 .87 .89 .87
isr 330 .79 .81 .79 .78 .77 .78
chr 260 .89 .86 .87 .86 .92
frr 333 .88 .91 .90 .88
hun 299 .86 .85 .85
pol 179 .86 .87
zaf 274 .85
jpn 317
Holstein - Fat
can deu dfs fra ita nld usa che gbr nzl aus bel irl esp cze svn est isr chr frr hun pol zaf jpn
can 15.35 .89 .93 .92 .91 .88 .94 .86 .85 .75 .76 .86 .80 .89 .85 .87 .87 .77 .85 .88 .88 .85 .85 .92
deu 11.47 .90 .87 .85 .90 .87 .85 .85 .75 .75 .88 .76 .87 .85 .86 .86 .79 .85 .86 .85 .86 .85 .88
dfs 12.43 .91 .86 .91 .92 .92 .90 .75 .80 .90 .87 .88 .85 .86 .88 .77 .87 .87 .85 .85 .85 .93
fra 13.54 .88 .90 .92 .88 .88 .75 .83 .90 .87 .90 .86 .86 .88 .79 .88 .90 .88 .86 .85 .91
ita 11.94 .85 .93 .85 .85 .75 .75 .85 .76 .89 .87 .86 .87 .82 .86 .87 .91 .85 .85 .85
nld 12.35 .88 .90 .88 .75 .77 .89 .83 .88 .85 .86 .87 .79 .86 .86 .85 .85 .85 .88
usa 25.98 .85 .85 .75 .75 .85 .78 .89 .85 .86 .86 .78 .85 .87 .91 .85 .85 .93
che 9.71 .85 .76 .79 .88 .84 .88 .86 .87 .88 .79 .92 .88 .85 .86 .85 .91
gbr 8.66 .75 .80 .85 .87 .85 .85 .86 .86 .77 .85 .87 .85 .86 .85 .85
nzl 6.03 .85 .75 .85 .75 .75 .76 .79 .77 .76 .81 .75 .75 .75 .75
aus 8.56 .83 .85 .78 .75 .77 .79 .76 .76 .82 .75 .76 .75 .76
bel 9.14 .87 .87 .85 .87 .88 .77 .85 .89 .85 .85 .85 .86
irl 6.27 .83 .76 .77 .81 .76 .79 .80 .75 .76 .75 .83
esp 10.36 .85 .86 .87 .79 .86 .88 .86 .86 .85 .87
cze 11.86 .88 .87 .77 .86 .90 .87 .86 .86 .85
svn 8.64 .89 .79 .88 .90 .87 .87 .87 .87
est 11.47 .80 .89 .91 .87 .87 .88 .88
isr 12.21 .79 .79 .82 .77 .77 .78
chr 10.20 .87 .86 .86 .86 .90
frr 12.74 .88 .94 .90 .88
hun 10.80 .86 .85 .85
pol 7.47 .86 .86
zaf 8.01 .85
jpn 10.73
Holstein - Protein
can deu dfs fra ita nld usa che gbr nzl aus bel irl esp cze svn est isr chr frr hun pol zaf jpn
can 11.24 .89 .91 .91 .91 .90 .93 .90 .85 .75 .75 .85 .75 .88 .85 .87 .87 .77 .86 .87 .85 .86 .85 .93
deu 8.51 .89 .85 .85 .89 .86 .85 .85 .75 .75 .85 .75 .85 .85 .86 .86 .76 .85 .86 .85 .85 .85 .88
dfs 8.26 .87 .87 .89 .90 .89 .90 .75 .75 .85 .81 .89 .85 .86 .87 .76 .88 .87 .85 .85 .85 .93
fra 9.39 .88 .88 .89 .93 .85 .75 .76 .85 .84 .87 .85 .87 .87 .78 .86 .87 .86 .86 .85 .90
ita 9.19 .86 .92 .85 .85 .75 .75 .85 .75 .85 .85 .86 .87 .76 .86 .87 .88 .85 .85 .88
nld 8.82 .87 .87 .86 .75 .75 .86 .81 .88 .85 .88 .86 .76 .85 .86 .85 .85 .85 .90
usa 18.51 .86 .85 .75 .75 .85 .75 .88 .85 .86 .86 .76 .85 .87 .86 .85 .85 .92
che 7.14 .85 .75 .79 .85 .80 .88 .86 .87 .88 .78 .93 .88 .86 .86 .86 .91
gbr 6.84 .75 .75 .85 .80 .85 .85 .86 .86 .76 .85 .87 .85 .90 .85 .85
nzl 4.46 .85 .75 .85 .75 .76 .77 .78 .76 .76 .79 .75 .76 .75 .75
aus 5.05 .75 .85 .75 .75 .77 .78 .77 .77 .79 .75 .76 .75 .77
bel 6.69 .78 .85 .85 .88 .87 .77 .85 .87 .85 .85 .85 .85
irl 4.85 .79 .75 .78 .77 .76 .77 .78 .75 .76 .75 .82
esp 7.82 .85 .89 .87 .78 .86 .87 .85 .86 .85 .92
cze 9.26 .88 .87 .77 .86 .89 .85 .86 .86 .86
svn 6.07 .89 .78 .88 .92 .87 .87 .87 .87
est 8.04 .81 .89 .91 .87 .87 .89 .88
isr 8.22 .79 .82 .79 .78 .77 .78
chr 6.88 .87 .86 .86 .86 .91
frr 9.36 .88 .91 .90 .88
hun 8.63 .85 .85 .85
pol 5.02 .86 .87
zaf 7.10 .85
jpn 8.08


Jersey - Milk
can dfs usa nzl aus gbr nld zaf ita deu
can 313 .92 .94 .76 .86 .86 .92 .86 .92 .90
dfs 208 .91 .76 .81 .91 .91 .86 .89 .90
usa 609 .76 .83 .86 .90 .85 .92 .88
nzl 133 .85 .76 .76 .76 .80 .76
aus 231 .77 .79 .84 .81 .77
gbr 187 .87 .86 .86 .86
nld 356 .86 .88 .92
zaf 168 .87 .86
ita 240 .86
deu 222
Jersey - Fat
can dfs usa nzl aus gbr nld zaf ita deu
can 13.01 .92 .93 .75 .83 .86 .88 .86 .90 .88
dfs 9.60 .91 .76 .81 .87 .89 .86 .86 .90
usa 25.10 .76 .82 .85 .87 .85 .91 .87
nzl 5.86 .87 .76 .76 .76 .76 .76
aus 9.16 .77 .77 .76 .77 .76
gbr 8.83 .88 .86 .86 .86
nld 12.44 .86 .86 .90
zaf 7.07 .86 .86
ita 12.76 .86
deu 10.72
Jersey - Protein
can dfs usa nzl aus gbr nld zaf ita deu
can 9.54 .91 .92 .76 .81 .85 .89 .86 .91 .88
dfs 6.82 .89 .76 .78 .90 .88 .86 .88 .90
usa 18.09 .75 .79 .85 .87 .85 .90 .86
nzl 4.14 .85 .76 .76 .76 .76 .76
aus 5.56 .76 .76 .76 .77 .77
gbr 5.89 .86 .86 .86 .86
nld 10.47 .86 .86 .89
zaf 5.45 .86 .86
ita 8.45 .86
deu 7.58

Simmental - Milk
che deu frm ita svn fra cze hun nld irl
che 250 .88 .89 .89 .91 .94 .88 .87 .89 .80
deu 248 .95 .89 .86 .92 .85 .86 .93 .83
frm 319 .87 .88 .91 .86 .91 .94 .88
ita 226 .86 .89 .86 .89 .89 .79
svn 143 .87 .88 .88 .89 .80
fra 359 .87 .88 .93 .90
cze 240 .87 .89 .77
hun 165 .87 .78
nld 354 .86
irl 132
Simmental - Fat
che deu frm ita svn fra cze hun nld irl
che 10.18 .87 .89 .88 .88 .89 .90 .87 .88 .84
deu 9.66 .96 .86 .86 .92 .86 .86 .92 .79
frm 12.52 .86 .88 .92 .86 .91 .95 .85
ita 8.92 .86 .87 .87 .90 .87 .77
svn 5.83 .87 .88 .88 .88 .79
fra 14.21 .87 .88 .90 .87
cze 9.94 .88 .86 .77
hun 5.88 .86 .76
nld 14.96 .82
irl 5.39
Simmental - Protein
che deu frm ita svn fra cze hun nld irl
che 6.75 .86 .89 .86 .89 .92 .86 .87 .87 .82
deu 7.45 .94 .85 .86 .90 .85 .86 .90 .81
frm 9.80 .86 .88 .91 .86 .91 .93 .92
ita 6.85 .86 .87 .86 .88 .86 .76
svn 4.05 .87 .88 .88 .89 .80
fra 11.35 .87 .87 .88 .83
cze 7.77 .87 .89 .77
hun 4.61 .86 .76
nld 11.30 .82
irl 4.25