2. Date of national evaluation as provided in 017-file. |
Country** |
Date |
Australia |
20080825 |
Belgium |
20080800 |
Canada |
20080801 |
Denmark |
20080815 |
Finland |
20080804 |
France |
(BSW) |
20080619 |
France |
20080619 |
Germany |
(Hol, Rdc) |
20080819 |
Germany-Austria |
(Brown Swiss) |
20080801 |
Hungary |
20080819 |
Ireland |
20080725 |
Israel |
20080615 |
Italy |
(HOL) |
20080730 |
Italy |
(BSW) |
20080724 |
New Zealand |
20080424 |
Spain |
20080200 |
Sweden |
20080621 |
Switzerland |
(Holstein) |
20080715 |
Switzerland |
(Brown Swiss) |
20080725 |
The Netherlands |
20080801 |
United Kingdom |
20080715 |
United States |
20080801 |
** If nothing else is listed, the same date applies |
for all breeds within country |