Table 1. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation
for milk somatic celland for clinical mastitis (within parenthesis) (May 2006)


Swiss Guernsey Holstein Jersey Simmental

Australia 348 91 3602 683
Belgium 541
Canada 492 100 71 6483 303
Czech Republic 1432 1025
Denmark 1213 (1013) 5510 (5142) 1355 (1127)
175 * (88)
Estonia 252 387
Finland 2703 (2512) 809 (789)
France 162 10103 218
140 ** 2304 ***
Germany 275 3416 15044 12184
Hungary 1260 86
Ireland 1146
Israel 687
Italy 5819 660
Japan 2935
Netherlands 51 8996 42 57
New Zealand 720 30 51 3909 2236
Norway 2566 (2572)
Spain 1282
Sweden 2589 (2536) 1743 (1722)
Switzerland 1809 743 1781
961 ****
United Kingdom 194 135 3479 202
United States 279 533 513 21574 2157
Rep. South Africa 57 652 288
Across country 10968 (10581) 5492 692 86117 (85654) 6251 (6035) 17524

*    Danish Red & White in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
**   French RedHolstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
***  French Montbeliarde
**** Swiss Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull