Table 1. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation
for milk somatic cell and for clinical mastitis (within parenthesis) (August 2006)
Country Ayrshire Swiss Guernsey Holstein Jersey Simmental
Australia 348 91 3602 682
Belgium 551
Canada 496 100 71 6593 309
Czech Republic 1487 1028
Denmark 1223 (1025) 5710 (5228) 1356 (1142)
186 * (96)
Estonia 256 399
Finland 2743 (2523) 826 (796)
France 168 10471 223
143 ** 2367 ***
Germany 280 3451 15463 12332
Hungary 1292 86
Ireland 1180
Israel 703
Italy 5911 713
Japan 2986
Netherlands 51 9125 42 57
New Zealand 720 30 51 3909 2236
Norway 2600 (2606)
Spain 1354
Sweden 2643 (2568) 1801 (1752)
Switzerland 1835 757 1807
984 ****
United Kingdom 195 137 3565 207
United States 282 546 515 21890 2199
Rep. South Africa 57 652 288
Across country 11103 (10677) 5559 695 87716 (87218) 6294 (6092) 17788

*    Danish Red & White in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
**   French Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
***  French Montbeliarde
**** Swiss Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull