Table 1. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull evaluation
for milk somatic cell and for clinical mastitis (within parenthesis) (August 2009)
Dairy Brown
Country Cattle Swiss Guernsey Holstein Jersey Simmental

Australia 480 105 5442 1089
Belgium 691
Canada 569 136 77 7885 373
Czech Republic 2174 1445
Denmark,Finland 7069 (6561) 9635 (8534) 1486 (1239)
+ Sweden
237 * (137)
Estonia 272 576
France 234 12429 254
170 ** 2937 ***
Germany 321 4113 19044 14222
Hungary 1679 104
Ireland 1433
Israel 878
Italy 1195 7412 895
Japan 3673
Netherlands 103 (66) 11234 (10440) 86 (48) 138 (99)
New Zealand 857 31 55 4883 2798
Norway 2957 (2973)
Spain 1800
Switzerland 2201 970 2245
1378 ****
United Kingdom 229 167 4100 366
United States 395 718 574 25796 2666
Rep. South Africa 91 909 390
Slovak Republic 646 299

Across country 12480 (11996) 7442 (7442) 775 105896 (104649) 7794 (7559) 21429 (21427)
*    Danish Red & White in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
**   French Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
***  French Montbeliarde
**** Swiss Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull