Table 1. Number of national bull evaluations used in the Interbull routine evaluation
for milk somatic celland for clinical mastitis (within parenthesis) (August2003)


Swiss Guernsey



Australia 313 88 3033 553
Belgium 398
Canada 428 74 66 5470 255
Denmark 1078 (870) 4613 (4185) 1174 (946)
135 * (50)
Estonia 276
Finland 2447 (2377) 608 (586)
France 125 8374
104 **
Germany 184 11867
Hungary 885
Israel 553
Italy 4468
Japan 2318
Netherlands 38 6784 20
Norway (2208)
Sweden 2324 (2269) 1378 (1358)
Switzerland 1354 534
636 ***
United Kingdom 140 100 2324 131
United States 228 416 459 17923 1729
Across country 6878 (8732) 1801 603 65387 (64899) 3489 (3270)

*   Danish Red & White in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
**  French Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull
*** Swiss Red Holstein in the Holstein evaluation of Interbull