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Interbull webinar: “Genomic-free EBV for MACE”


The Interbull webinar “Genomic-free EBV for MACE” was held on 11 February 2021 (14.00 – 15.30 CET) and chaired by Gert Pedersen Aamand (chair of Interbull Technical Committee).


The chair opened the webinar introducing the “Genomic-free EBV” working group and explaining working group’s activity, aimed at identifying new solutions to produce genomic-free EBVs that could be used as input for the MACE evaluation.


Pete Sullivan (member of Interbull Technical Committee) presented to the participants the recommendations from the working group.

The working group strongly advised against the use of ssGEBVs as input for the MACE evaluation and identified both long-term as well as short term solutions:


  • Submit ssDYD instead of EBV to Interbull for MACE (long-term);
  • Deregressed ssGEBV Proofs (long-term);
  • Generate EBVs from unbiased pseudo-phenotypes (long-term);
  • Generate EBVs from pre-adjusted phenotypes, using estimates of environmental effects from single step model (short-term);
  • Generate EBV from a BLUP evaluation excluding genotypes (short-term).


The working group highlighted the need to keep working on the improvement of long-term solutions and recommended to the Interbull community the use of the two short-term solutions.

After an interesting discussion all the participants agreed on the solutions identified by the working group and no objections were raised.

The chair thanked the participants and closed the webinar.


A recording of the webinar is available here

Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -

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