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  • Interbull
  • EURC for Zootechnics
  • about EURC - Zootechnics

Welcome to the European Union Reference Centre for Zootechnics (Bovine Breeding). 

The EURC for Zootechnics plays a key role in advancing the harmonization and improvement of performance testing and genetic evaluation methods for purebred breeding cattle. Aligned with the EU Regulation 2016/102, the EURC provides scientific and technical expertise to support breed societies, designated third parties, and national competent authorities of EU member states. 

The Interbull Centre was officially designated as the European Union Reference Centre for Zootechnics on 1 November 2018, after fulfilling the role of European Union Reference Laboratory since 1996.

For many years, validation tests have been available for breeds and countries involved in international evaluations of Interbull. In the role of EURC, such validation tests are now available to all EU recognised breed societies and national genetic evaluation centres to assess the correctness of their genetic evaluation models (in a matter of the level of bias detected).
Read more about EURC validations
The EURC also maintains a contact list of competent authorities of the EU Member States
National Points of Contact

The Performance, Recording and Evaluation Database (PREPdb) is an online database that has been developed and hosted at the Interbull Centre within the context of the Interbull's function as the European Union Reference Centre (EURC) for Zootechnics and enables users to upload descriptive information regarding  performance recording, national genetic evaluation systems and publication policies in stardardized and comparable format.

Read more about PREPdb