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Interbull is managed by an ICAR appointed Steering Committee, consisting of 9 members from different countries. The objectives for the Steering Committee are to set strategy, priorities, work plans and budget for Interbull.

Since 2003 the Steering Committee has been supported by the Interbull Technical Committee (ITC).

The objective of the ITC is to identify and review technical issues that are essential for providing a high quality service to countries participating in the international genetic evaluations.

Interbull Business Meetings are held regularly (once per year) with the purpose to report on the activities of the Interbull Centre, present decisions of the Steering Committee, including budget, and to provide customers with a forum for discussion of Interbull services, present and desired. Conclusions and recommendations of the Interbull Business Meeting are brought to the Steering Committee for decision.

The Interbull Centre is the operational unit of Interbull.

ICAR Board
Interbull Steering Committee
Interbull Business Meetings
Technical Committee
Interbull Centre

Terms of Reference

The International Bull Evaluation Service (Interbull) is a permanent sub-committee of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR, since 1988. The Terms of Reference set out a clear framework for the work of Interbull and the Interbull Technical Committee.

The Terms of Reference fo the Interbull Sub-Committe (ToR) are governed and approved by the ICAR Board.

The Terms of Reference for the Interbull Technical Committee are governed and approved by the Interbull SC.

Interbull Steering Committee

Interbull is managed by an ICAR appointed Steering Committee, consisting of 9 members from different countries. The objectives for the Steering Committee are to set strategy, priorities, work plans and budget for Interbull.

Matthew Shaffer

SC Chair

DataGene, Australia

Urs Schnyder

Vice Chair

Qualitas AG, Switzerland

Filippo Miglior

Lactanet, Canada

Ezequiel Luis Nicolazzi


Laurent Journaux

France Génetique Elevage, France

Daniele Vicario


Marija Klopcic

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gerben de Jong

Cooperative CRV u.a., The Netherlands

Interbull Technical Committee

The objective of the ITC is to identify and review technical issues that may be essential for providing a high quality service to countries participating in the international genetic evaluations

Gerben de Jong

ITC Chair

CRV u.a., The Netherlands

Peter Sullivan

Lactanet, Canada

Andres Legarra


Jan-Thijs van Kaam


Iole Croue

Geneval, France

Gao Hongding

Natural Resources Institute (LUKE), Finland

Valentina Palucci

Interbull Representative

Interbull Centre, Sweden

Zengting Liu

VIT, Germany

Raphael Mrode

Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), United Kingdom