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The Interbull Centre is the operational unit of Interbull and is a section of the Department of Animal Biosciences of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).

The Interbull Centre provides genetic information services and applied research for improvement of livestock to a worldwide network and fulfills a mandate as an European Union Reference Centre for the scientific and technical contribution to the harmonisation and improvement of the methods of performance testing and genetic evaluation of purebred breeding animals of the bovine species.

The Interbull Centre is made up of a Director, Service Manager, Genetic Data Analysts, IT professionals and a part time administrator, and is also supported by the administration section of the Department of Animal Biosciences.

The Centre is one of two Units that are part of the GENBIO Division in the  Department of Aninal Biosciences in the  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science , SLU, Uppsala.

SLU is contracted by ICAR to be the operational unit for the Interbull permanent subcommittee and for the Interbeef working group  . As the European Union Reference Centre , the Interbull Centre interacts with the EU member states through the international genetic evaluation services and also provides assistance to the European Commission in issues related to bovine breeding and genetics.

The Interbull Centre offers several services from our core MACE evaluations to Intergenomics and validation of national models as well as issuing guidelines on harmonisations and standardisation

The Centre fulfills a mandate as an European Union Reference Centre for the scientific and technical contribution to the harmonisation and improvement of the methods of performance testing and genetic evaluation of purebred breeding animals of the bovine species.

The Interbull Centre Team plays an integral role in both service delivery and the EURC.