Validation of Dairy Genetic Models
In its role of European Reference Centre providing further assistance to the European Competence Authorities, in line with the current European breeding law, Interbull Centre offers the possibility to all European Genetic Centers and Breeding Associations to assess the correctness of their genetic evaluation models (in matter of level of bias detected) by using an EURC Validation software. This service will be rendered to all Genetic Centers and/or Breeding Associations, officially recognized by their Competent Authority ( ), whether they participate in an international genetic evaluation offered by Interbull Centre or not.
Conventional Validation tests provide reassurance to the evaluation center, cattle organizations and farmers that the bias in their statistical models applied for a given breed/trait are within a tolerated threshold of 2%. This is an assurance that their statistical models applied are sound and fitting well their data, avoiding any under/over estimation of their animals’ genetic value.
Validation tests have been available for breeds and countries involved in Interbull’s international evaluations for many years. Now, in its function of European Union Reference Centre (EURC) for Zootechnics, the Interbull Centre is making such validation tests, namely validation model I and III ( ), available to all national genetic evaluations:
a. For all dairy breeds that have been registered with their national Competent Authorities in line with EU Regulation 2016/1012, commonly known as the “EU Animal Breeding Regulation”;
b. Whether or not they participate in the Interbull international evaluations;
c. The EURC Validation test is available for d iary traits recognised by Interbull and internationally evaluated, but independent from the actual participation of the country that wishes to validate. Traits are validated by trait group as listed here ( note: all trait groups may be validated. From the conformation group, validation is currently only performed for the following 4 traits: bcs, loc, sta, usu).
d. Both the applicants and the relevant Competent Authorities will be notified of the outcome of the validation;
e. EURC Validation results will also be made available on the EURC section on the Interbull Centre’s website
How to Access the EURC Validation Service
National Genetic Centres or Breeding Organizations listed in the and interested in accessing the EURC Validation service are welcome to contact interbull centre (interbull[at] specifying which breed(s) and trait(s) they wish to validate.
Upon reception of such information, Interbull Center will send to the applicant the following:
- An updated version (with regards to the breeds and traits to validate) of the validation software
- The required setting file
- The user manual and file format description.