- Interbull
- Services
- National Information

2025 Release Dates
National release dates from all the participating countries are available on the Interbull website.
National Evaluations Descriptions
Our customers regularly provide us with a description of the data recording, models, and general statistics pertaining to their genetic and genomic evaluations. This helps with standardisation and harmonisation procedures, as well and shares the latest methodology procedures within the community.
Publication links
The following table provides links to the publication of results page for each National Evaluation Unit.
Organisation Name | Organisation Code | Country | Link |
Rural Support Service | LAD | Latvia | Link not supplied by the national evaluation unit |
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding | CDCB | United States |
Official: https://webconnect.uscdcb.com/#/queries GMACE: ftp://ftp.uscdcb.com/pub/bulls/GMACE (requires a dedicated FTP software or the command line) Other: https://www.naab-css.org/database-files |
ANABLE | ANABLE | Portugal | http://www.apcrf.pt/gca/?id=232 |
DataGene | DataGene | Australia | |
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Institute of Animal Breeding | LFL | Germany | http://www.lfl.bayern.de/bazi-rind (click on Bullendatenbank) |
Canadian Network for Dairy Excellence | LACTANET | Canada | http://www.cdn.ca/query/individual.php |
Central Agricultural Office | MGSZH | Hungary | http://www.enar.hu/interbull.htm |
Confederation of Spanish Holstein Associations | CONAFE | Spain | |
GES Netherlands+Flanders | GES/CRV | The Netherlands | https://www.cooperatie-crv.nl/english/ |
Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food | HAPIH | Croatia | https://www.hapih.hr/cs/aplikacije/vrednovanje/web/cro/_main_cattle.html |
Czech Moravian Breeders' Corporation | PLEMDAT | Czech Republic | http://www.plemdat.cz/en/?page=breeding-values-of-bulls |
Estonian Animal Recording Centre | ARC | Estonia | https://www.jkkeskus.ee/jkk/piimaveised/geneetiline-hindamine/interbull-proofs.html |
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Animal Breeding and Genetics group | GEMBLOUX | Belgium | http://www.elinfo.be/indexEN.html |
GENO | GENO | Norway | https://www.norwegianred.com/about-norwegian-red/interbull-estimated-breeding-values |
Holstein Association, USA | HAUSA | United States | http://www.holsteinusa.com/dhs/GMACE/GMACE.html |
French Genetic Evaluation Centre | GENEVAL | France | |
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria | INIA | Uruguay | http://www.geneticalechera.com.uy |
Irish Cattle Breeding Federation | ICBF | Ireland | |
Israeli Cattle Breeders' Association | ICBA | Israel | http://www.icba-israel.com/ excel file available under "breeding & management" |
Italian Brown Cattle Breeder's Association | ANARB | Italy |
www.anarb.it/portfolio/indici-genomici/ |
Italian Simmental Fleckvieh Breeder's Association | ANAPRI | Italy | Link not supplied by the national evaluation unit |
Italian National Association of Holstein Breeders | ANAFIBJ | Italy | http://www.anafi.it/Interbull/FREE/ |
Korean National Institute of Animal Science | NIAS | Korea, Republic of | Link not supplied by the national evaluation unit |
Dairy NewZealand | DNZ | New Zealand | http://www.dairynz.co.nz/animal/animal-evaluation/bull-search/ |
Ministry of Agricolture | LIETUVA | Lithuania | http://www.vic.lt/?module=interbull&population=rw |
Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers | CGEN | Poland | Link not supplied by the national evaluation unit |
National Livestock Breeding Centre | NLBC | Japan | https://www.nlbc.go.jp/english/breeding-of-livestock-animals-and-improvement-of-animal-husbandry/evaluation-results.html |
Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation | NAV | Denmark | https://nordic.mloy.fi/InterBull/ |
QUALITAS AG | QUALITAS | Switzerland |
HOL(RED) and SIM: https://www.swissherdbook.ch/de/publikationen/zuchtwertlisten HOL: https://www.holstein.ch/de/publikationen/zuchtwerte/ BSW: https://homepage.braunvieh.ch/zuchtwertlisten-toplisten/ |
South Africa Studbook | SASB | South Africa | http://www.sadairybulls.com/ |
Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board | AHDB | United Kingdom | https://dairy.ahdb.org.uk/breeding |
The Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic | PSSR | Slovakia | http://plis.sk/volne/hd/v_hd_medz_gen_hodn/v_hd_medz_gen_hodn.aspx |
United Data Systems | VIT | Germany | https://service.vit.de/inter-bull/ |
University of Ljubljana, Zootechnical department | BFRO | Slovenia | https://rodica.bf.uni-lj.si/itbc |
ZuchtData EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH | ZUCHTDATA | Austria | www.zuchtwert.at |