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The Interbull Centre facilitates the exchange of data through four services on three platforms, where two of these services are available also to those who do not take part in our international genetic evaluations.   

  • GenoEx is a platform for sharing of genotypes with a number of organization, reducing the need of re-genotyping the same animals and eliminating the need for bilateral sharing among sets of organisations. Two separate services are offered on the GenoEx-platform, Parental SNP Exhange (PSE) and Genotype Data Exchange (GDE).

  • GenoEX-PSE allows countries to share parentage SNPs in order to check and improve pedigrees. GenoEX-PSE allows for a more identification of daughters in semen importing countries and is available for any breed (dairy & beef). This services is open also for organisations that does not take part in our genetic evaluations.  

  • GenoEX-GDE is our service for exchanging full sets of genotypes for genomic evaluations. It  provides an easy way for exchanging of large genotype datasets, facilitating building reference populations, decreasing costs by avoiding re-genotyping the same individuals and encouraging development of genomic evaluations.

  • Genetic Traits: Exchange of information on mono-genetic traits is great for farmers to avoid mating two carrier animals, or selecting animals with a desired trait. It is a service for sharing animal-specific information on genetic traits, currently available in the Holstein and Brown Swiss breeds. Besides allowing access to a wider set of information and assuring a smoother and more timely exchange of genetic information (including recessive traits) among participating countries, the service also effectively facilitates reducing the amount of conflicting information among participating countries.

  • PREPdb is a platform providing information about the genetic and genomic evaluations performed in organisations around the world. Any organisation can upload information after requesting and receiving a log-in. The information provided is open to the public, and specific information can be queried. This makes the platform a useful tool for exchanging knowledge, both to universities, students and among genetic evaluation centres.

By facilitating and promoting the exchange of information, the Interbull Centre aims to empower our customers to share data with multiple organisations all located in one platform, simplifying the process of sharing, whilst also providing the most comprehensive data available.

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