2016 Interbull Meeting: Title Submission Now Open!!Dear all, This is to inform you that the title and abstract submission for the 2016 Interbull Meeting is now open! Deadline for title submission is 15 September 2016 at 23.59 CET.
This year's Interbull Open Meetings will include scientific reports related to the following themes in both beef and dairy cattle:
1 - Methods and practical experiences for parentage analysis. With the launch of the GenoEx-PSE during the meeting in Chile we specifically would like to request you to submit presentations in relation to the use of SNP analysis for parentage verification, discovery and microsatellite imputation.
2 - New developments in genomic methodologies and evaluations Presentations within this theme could be related to practical developments within genetic evaluations centers, such as comparison of international vs national reliabilities, or future research developments, such as the one-step genomic evaluation approach.
3 - Genetic evaluation of new phenotypes This theme provides the opportunity to share your experiences, activities and plans on the collection and analysis of novel phenotypes.
4 – Developments and needs in animal breeding Current developments (mainly in genomics) require a large amount of phenotypic and genomic data to be implemented at a national level. Not all countries are able to implement these new techniques due to restrictions in the availability of phenotypes and / or genotypes. This theme provides an opportunity to discuss alternatives (both needs and developments) of making use of the new techniques.
To make your submission please visit the event page on our webpage or click here:
Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -