
Useful deadlines

Some useful deadlines for the upcoming August 2024 routine run:


Please note that new MACE data should always be uploaded before new GMACE data.



IDEA will be open for receiving MACE and GMACE data starting from Tuesday, July 9


Deadline for uploading of pedigrees for MACE, GMACE and Intergenomics is set for Tuesday, July 23 at 5 pm CEST


Deadline for uploading and submitting MACE data into IDEA is set for Tuesday, July 23 at 5 pm CEST


Deadline for uploading InterGenomics SNPs data into GenoEx-GDE is set for Tuesday, July 23 at 5 pm CEST


Deadline for uploading and submitting GMACE data  is set for Monday, July 29 at 5pm CEST.


Deadline for uploading file733 and file734 is set for Monday, July 29 at 5pm CEST


Distribution of MACE and InterGenomics (genotyped-releted files) pre-release results is set for Thursday, August 1


Distribution of GMACE pre-release results is set for Tuesday, August 6


Official release of MACE, InterGenomics and GMACE results is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13


Deadline for providing IG-HOL National TMI is set for August 20


Distribution of IG-HOL National TMI to contributing countries is set for August 27









Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -

site map
