- Interbull
- Services
- Our Services
- Genetic Traits
Genetic Traits Exchange
The onset of genomics and genotyping has resulted in the discovery of genetic variants that influence the expression of specific features (phenotypes). This may be a favourable or unfavourable expression, or in some cases, even lethal.
Various genetic variants have been recorded in specific dairy breeds, with breed associations maintaining official documentation of their prevalence. These records include codes that indicate an animal's carrier status.
Recessive variants are expressed in the phenotype only when an individual has two copies of the variant. An animal is considered "Affected" if it carries two copies, while those with one copy are "Carriers," and those with no copies are "Unaffected."
The Interbull Centre manages the collection and exchange of information on genetic traits through the AnimInfo module within the Interbull Data Exchange Area (IDEA). This information is distributed three times a year, in April, August, and December, along with the official MACE evaluation, to National Genetic Evaluation Centres (NGECs). NGECs can also upload and download data anytime via the IDEA web interface.
The list of genetic traits and their codes must be approved within each breed association and by the Interbull Centre. Only validated genetic tests can be exchanged. Each breed association should have procedures to update this list, and new codes and traits can be added after agreement with the Interbull Centre for international exchange.
- It is the responsibility of the owner of the bull to inform herd books and clients worldwide on the status of their bull. However, it is possible that the semen-importer does not always inform the national herd book nor their clients (farmers) properly and in due time. Even if they do so, it is still a manual procedure for every herd book to update the genetic trait coding for each bull.
- Some bulls that are already registered in the herd book of different countries may not have a complete registration of their recessive genetic traits in each of these countries. This might be due to recessive genetic traits being found while genomically testing the bull in different countries / consortia, and thus being discovered after registrations in countries’ herd books has taken place.
- A manual and bilateral exchange of genetic traits information is considered a sub-optimal procedure.
- When registration of recessive genetic traits is incomplete, breeders are more exposed to the risk of mating carrier animals with each other.
The Exchange of Information on Genetic Traits service is performed for:
- Holstein (since 2019)
- Brown Swiss (since 2024)
- For expansion of this service to other breeds, please contact the Interbull Centre. Note that, for a breed to participate in this service, a genetic coding standard needs to be in place.
- A single, common platform to share information with any organisation taking part in the service.
- Makes it easier, safer, and more efficient for animal owners and importers/exporters to fulfil legal- and trading obligations.
- Allows an easier, safer, and more efficient exchange of information on genetic recessive traits.
- Smoother and more timely exchange of information on recessive genetic traits between participating countries and populations.
- Increases the amount and range of information that each participating country has access to.
- Makes international data more transparent; visualising conflicts in information; enabling correction of conflicts and errors.
- Breed-specific participation.
- As the service is an extension of IDEA pedigree, the consistency of the unique international animal ID is maintained across countries.
- Cost reduction by avoiding multiple genetic tests on the same animal for the same traits.
- Effective reduction in the number of conflicting information among participating countries and populations.
- As new genetic traits that are being discovered, standardisation and automatisation of exchange facilitates a quick inclusion and distribution of information on such traits to all participating organisations.
- MACE Participation.
- For a breed to participate in this service, a genetic coding standard needs to be in place.
- A signed Service User Agreement with Interbull Centre.
- Information to be uploaded by National Genetic Evaluation Centre.
- For each animal with recessive genetic trait information to be submitted, pedigree records will also need to be submitted.
- National Genetic Evaluation Centres need to have their own procedures and agreements in place with their relevant (national) breed associations. National Genetic Evaluation Centres can upload information on recessive genetic traits for bulls and cows from the moment they sign up to this service.
- € 1 000 for participation with one breed
- € 500 for participation with each additional breed