
Launch of GenoEx-PSE and Accreditation of DNA Data Interpretation Centres.

During the ICAR and Interbull Meetings in Chile at the end of October 2016, two new DNA-based services will be presented and discussed for an official launch by January 2017:


  • Parentage SNP Exchange (“GenoEx-PSE”) – a service for exchanging standardized sets of SNP for genotyped animals to facilitate parentage analysis activities.
  • A service for Accreditation of DNA Data Interpretation Centres.


The main purpose of GenoEx-PSE is to provide a service for exchanging standardized sets of SNP for genotyped animals to facilitate parentage analysis activities carried out by authorized service users of the GenoEx-PSE service. GenoEx-PSE Service Users will be required to achieve Parentage Analysis accreditation from Service-ICAR.


Information on specific scientific, technical and legal issues related to both DNA-based services, which will be provided by ICAR through the Interbull Centre, are now available through the ICAR and Interbull website


Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -

site map
