


International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR)

The International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) is today the world-wide organisation for the standardisation of animal recording and productivity evaluation.


Organization International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) was founded in 1951. During the past half century, ICAR has evolved into a global organization with a reputation for establishing standards and guidelines for animal recording, identification and genetic evaluations.


Aims and main objectives of the Committee

The aim of ICAR is to promote the development and improvement of the activities of performance recording and the evaluation of farm livestock.

  1. The Object of ICAR, an international or non-profit body, shall be to promote the development and amelioration of performance recording for farm animals and their evaluation, such Object to be achieved through the establishing of definitions and standards for measuring characteristics having economic importance.

    a) ICAR establishes rules and standards and specific guidelines for the purpose of identifying animals, the registration of their parentage, recording their performance and their evaluation, and publish the findings.

    b) It provides incentives for concertation and collaboration in all activities having to do with animal performance recording and evaluation within and among international organisations, public authorities and industry;

    c) It encourages the use of the findings of performance recording for the purpose of assessing the value of animals and establishing specific codes of conduct, given that both aspects have a bearing on the profitability of animal production.

    d) It facilitates the interpretation of findings at the practical level by publishing reports showing the results obtained through the application of methods of performance recording and evaluation.

  2. The association has also as its aim the drafting of articles, publication and distribution of journals and books, the organisation of seminars and workshops, and granting scholarships to selected researchers or students.

  3. Within the scope of its activities, the association can enter into any transaction having to do with movable or immovable property where such transactions are in pursuit of its aims.



INTERBULL became a permanent sub-committee of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) in 1988, supported by its parent organisations EAAP and IDF, and also the FAO. It is managed by an ICAR appointed Steering Group, consisting of members from many different countries.





 More information about ICAR can be obtained at

Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -

site map
