The Interbull Technical Committee (ITC) provides counselling to the Steering Committee (SC) in technical questions related to international genetic and genomic evaluations of dairy cattle breeds and the related services released by Interbull Centre. Moreover, the Interbull Technical Committee may be requested to provide long-term views and strategies on matters relating to the service.
The full Terms of Reference for the ITC are available as .pdf using the link above.
The Interbull SC appoints ITC members. ITC members would preferably represent a broad geographical spread. However, the Steering Committee considers personal qualities and competency as more important. Integrity and independence should characterise the members of the ITC, and it is important that they do not represent their organisations, but their own capacity as experts in genetic evaluations.
Members of the ITC have varying backgrounds and are selected on the basis of the skills and capabilities which are needed at the ITC and to fulfil various roles on the ITC and its Working Groups.
To apply please use the our online application form by no later than 14 March 2025.
As well as specific skill areas, it is considered that each of the members should have the following attributes:
An understanding of the responsibilities of, and obligations owed by Interbull Technical Committee members, including but not limited to responding in a timely manner to correspondence and being prepared for and actively participating in meetings through attendance, discussion and review of minutes and papers;
Integrity and honesty;
A collaborative manner;
Time to undertake the responsibilities of the role;
A willingness to understand and commit to the highest standards of governance;
An ability to apply strategic thought to relevant matters;
A preparedness to question, challenge and critique in a constructive manner; and
An ability to consider materiality and risk tolerance as key considerations in decision making.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Gerben de Jong (Chair of the ITC):
Toine Roozen (Interbull Centre Director):
Valentina Palucci (Interbull Centre ITC representative):