2025 Interbull Meeting
The 2025 Interbull Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with ADSA in Louisville, KY, USA.
Interbull Business Meetings, Open Meetings and joint Sessions will be organised on Saturday 21, Sunday 22 and Monday 23 June 2025.
Information about the venue and registration will become available on the ADSA website
Interbull Open Meeting The Open Meeting aims to be an inclusive space to share ideas, and the latest advances, research and innovations in genetic and genomic evaluations for beef and dairy. We aim to accept manuscripts that clearly address the topics presented in the call for abstracts, and encourage work in progress presentations and/or cutting edge research in these areas. The overall theme for the Interbull Open Meetings is: "Innovations in national and international genetic and genomic evaluations". Authors are invited to submit abstracts within this overarching theme that specifically address the following topics for dairy and beef:
Submission of abstracts for the Interbull Meeting will open on 1 February 2025-
Interbull Bulletin The Interbull Bulletin has become a well known reference for genetic evaluation of bovine cattle worldwide. It contains the state-of-the-art in genetic evaluation methods, as well as the most recent information on national and international implementations. Participants in the Open Meeting are expected to submit paper (up to 10 pages), based on their presentation to the Interbull Bulletin by 31 July 2025, for publication in November 2025. Papers presented at the joint ADSA Interbull sessions are not submitted to the Interbull Bulletin.
Provisional deadlines for the Interbull Meeting:
Preliminary Interbull Program: (The program may be subject to change)
Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden -